Vitek: I just, in one sentence, mentioned my current thoughts and you draw it into all-day argument.
Let's review your thoughts, shall we?
Assumption 1) Three blockers for town are too many. So you decide that it's not possible for all 3 to be town
Assumption 2) A jailer can't be mafia.
Combining Assumption 1 and Assumption 2 you get
Assumption 3) Joe was blocked by mafia.
I'm asking you to re-evaluate your assumptions with the idea that assumption 3 is wrong.
Your replies?
Vitek: Because I have never seen mafia jailkeeper (have you?). So if I was targeted by town, Joe was targeted by mafia. There is nothing else to it.
Dismissal. You stand by assumption 2.
Vitek: If wiki says it is not unheard of (but overkill for many game - that's how the quote there continues), it doesn't mean they are. I have played or read dozens of games and I have never seen one and if someone is confirmed jailkeeper than to me he is also confirmed town.
Assumption 2 again
Vitek: Yes, 3 roleblockers for town are absolutely ludicrous idea.
Assumption 1
Vitek: I have not cleared Joe. He could be lying. I said he would be cleared if we knew he was targeted by mafia. Where have I said I cleared him?
You don't doubt assumption 3, you doubt Joe. Ergo, if Joe isn't lying, you still believe assumption 3 to be true. Thus you clear Joe.
So, if assumption 3 is false and Joe was blocked by town, that either means we have a mafia jailer (which will shatter your worldview), or 3 town blockers (which will also shatter your worldview).