Vitek: @flub; Joe; SPF; Please answer me one last question about my genuinely suspicious stuff/sentence. I looked at it again and I would use the same words again if I was to write it now becasue I don't know how I should have said it better.
Could you please take a look at the quote below and show me how I should have written this to make it less ambigious but still with the same meaning.
That is to say that all players except me, because I was the poster of that OP, were not going crazy about that post as Robbeasy said they will.
And no, please don't say I should have used "all players except me because I was the poster of that OP" because I would never use it. :-p
Vitek: Also, you
are that I should have paused before posting and think what others will think. But
nit doesn't exactly seem as if town went rampant after my comment. According to several people, they would never think about it as role claim if SPF hasn't said his witty remark, while you make it sound like
I started avalanche with it
Vitek: "
are" is supposed to be "say" and "
nit" should be "it".
I don't find the alleged soft claim to be an issue.
DarkoD13: For the moment, I have to
vote gkaiser.
I believe his post in 222 was blown out of proportion and didn't really mean anything, but I do find his general behavior troubling. Vague or funny posts and voting for people that have already been voted by a few players first. That would have been my tactic if I was scum.
I'm not sure I get the case against Vitek, it could be just a misunderstanding between honest players, it could be something more. I'll have to re-read the whole conversation, but right now it kind of looks like the discussion is a bit lost in technicalities.
I can support a misunderstanding only with the caveat I was simply asking questions.
SirPrimalform: EBWOP: Although I maintain my suspicions of you Vitek, the "town" thing was only ever a "raise eyebrow, make note, move on" thing for me.
I would have voted for you if I was as suspicious of you as you seem to think I am. I am more suspicious of you than some, but less than say Rob, Flub or gkaiser. The 'bad cases' have neither raised nor lowered my suspicion in the long run.
SirPrimalform: You said he denied saying zombie. He didn't deny that, he denied the the "doctor is still around" theory was his. He mentioned zombies because he was saying (interpolated) 'If the doctor is still around then he'd have to be a zombie, which would be ridiculous and therefore I don't think the doctor is still around'. Please quote him to me if I'm missing something.
Vitek: @flub; Joe; SPF; Please answer me one last question about my genuinely suspicious stuff/sentence. I looked at it again and I would use the same words again if I was to write it now becasue I don't know how I should have said it better.
Could you please take a look at the quote below and show me how I should have written this to make it less ambigious but still with the same meaning.
That is to say that all players except me, because I was the poster of that OP, were not going crazy about that post as Robbeasy said they will.
And no, please don't say I should have used "all players except me because I was the poster of that OP" because I would never use it. :-p
are" is supposed to be "say" and "
nit" should be "it".
SirPrimalform: Huh, I can see what you mean about it referring to those that are gathered here rather than the uninformed majority. I think it would have been less ambiguous if you'd said "
the town".
I think you've stated my point clearly.
oversimplify my issue, I read Vitek post saying "zombie" and I asked and he stated " I never said that." (Not to be taken as actual quotes).
I also agree "the town" would have been better. But I also now see you as making his statement seem harmless, so should I raise my eyebrow at you and then move on like a stupid sheep???
Hurrah all the peeplez is town!!
Sorry Robbeasy, hope you're better soon!! And whatever you do don't me on this one!