*Gets his narrative voice ready*
In an age of darkness... Or at least, that's what we're told. We are entering the Post-PC World. Lead by a new group of people who are somehow more annoying than hipsters, but instead of hating everything mainstream just because it's mainstream, they hate anything traditional and practical. It must be the "newest technology", it must be mobile, and it must be hyped. Oh wait, most of this stuff isn't even new, it's 10+ year old technology in new shiny packages.
They say the PC is dying. Well, it must be true because after all, they said it.
*Ends narrative voice*
PC sales are down, the average person doesn't buy them like they used to anymore because their PCs are already more than good enough for the average persons needs. Hardware has come so far over the years and its really software that hasn't kept up. Although I do think it's great in a way to have software that runs good on pretty much anything that is relatively new (as in made in the past 4-5 years).
The fact is, tablets and smart phones can't replace the PC and never will. They will never match the functionality, hardware power, versatility, and productivity of the PC. Are they useful devices for certain types of usage? Absolutely, but they're really nothing more than just another device. I just don't see myself playing top notch games on a 8-12" tablet screen with only my hands on the screen or trying to get anything productive done with it.
The idea as a whole just seems like a huge step backwards but for some reason the idea is being pressed on everyone as progress. Yeah, right. /rant