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I already voted nolynch to days ago despite Vitek constant provocation.

I'd advise aylien who unvoiced matti1996 to chose between lynching somebody or nolynch since he didn't take any action since.

Now the only reason I advise in voting nolynch is because it's gonna take a really long time before a majority of people agree to vote against the same person.
I have 3 votes against me for the time being, that puts me on top of the list, but I highly doubt I'll have 7 votes against me any time soon ...
aylien: Also matti, apolgoies
No need to apologise because it was a random vote and I did the same to you. Therefore: Unvote aylien

N0x0ss: I'm starting to question the use and very purpose of the nolynch command, if everybody thinks we should always lynch somebody no matter what...

Oh well, do what you will.
Of course you should use lynch. It's only way to kill scum. Probably only case I can think of when not to use lynch is when it's 3 town 1 mafia. If you lynch town then mafia wins but if you nolynch you get another day and have bigger chance to lynch the last scum.

If you will continue to defend nolynch then I will probably vote for you. For now FoS:N0x0ss
N0x0ss: I already voted nolynch to days ago despite Vitek constant provocation.

I'd advise aylien who unvoiced matti1996 to chose between lynching somebody or nolynch since he didn't take any action since.

Now the only reason I advise in voting nolynch is because it's gonna take a really long time before a majority of people agree to vote against the same person.
I have 3 votes against me for the time being, that puts me on top of the list, but I highly doubt I'll have 7 votes against me any time soon ...
I was gonna vote for you to poke fun at that last bit you wrote, but nah.

Unvote nolynch
Got to agree with N0x0ss here. With minimal information to go on, voting for nolynch makes the most sense until something more comes up. Unvote N0x0ss, vote NoLynch.
N0x0ss, what do you expect of next day? What will be so different than today? Are you just waiting for cop results? There will be no wagon to analyse, nightkill is hard to link to someone and there will be no other new thing to use on next day. And what would you do if doc sucessfully protected mafia target? Would you go for nolynch again to finally lose someone?
You can't go just by cop/watcher/whoever results. They are in games to help town, not to lead it to win themselves. You can't expect we will win just by using night actions.

Perhaps I should adress this to others, not to you, as I am getting the feeling you know all thi and are doing it just to mislead town.
Good you brought this up, and since you're trying to pin it on me, I'm gonna explain.

First off, I want to know who is gonna be the first victim. The identity of the victim is gonna give me some insight on who the killer might be.
Second I wanna see and study the reaction of the people about the crime.
Something might slip from somebody at the right moment.

Furthermore, I believe a killer would try to accuse someone before the crime has been committed, as to rapidly reduce the number of townies before anybody could suspect him.

It's simple math really, at this point, if you accuse somebody, and since you really have no evidence, you have 2/9 chances to get it right, or is it 3 ? (I don't really know how many scums are present in this game, but in the previous mafia i looked up, seemed like 3 ? )

What I want to say is, we really have no clue, and all the votes that are going on are for "fun" sake, or for spite... so it really is silly.
Vitek: N0x0ss, what do you expect of next day? What will be so different than today? Are you just waiting for cop results? There will be no wagon to analyse, nightkill is hard to link to someone and there will be no other new thing to use on next day. And what would you do if doc sucessfully protected mafia target? Would you go for nolynch again to finally lose someone?
You can't go just by cop/watcher/whoever results. They are in games to help town, not to lead it to win themselves. You can't expect we will win just by using night actions.

Perhaps I should adress this to others, not to you, as I am getting the feeling you know all thi and are doing it just to mislead town.
We could watch for how people react(or don't) to the nightkill, among other things. Also if we did lynch someone we might lynch a town(good odds for it too, given the probable 9-3 ratio of this game), leading to two dead town instead of 1.
N0x0ss: Good you brought this up, and since you're trying to pin it on me, I'm gonna explain.

First off, I want to know who is gonna be the first victim. The identity of the victim is gonna give me some insight on who the killer might be.
I'm not accusing you of anything, but I'd like to hear you develop this a little more. We have nobody who's developed any real obvious grudges and no one who's volunteered any information that could've been gained from a power role. As such, the nightkill will probably be a random person, unless they have a night cop or something (although cops only learn stuff after night ends, right?). They could target one of the more vocal players, or could pick off a lurker in the hopes of they're not being much of a connection. For example, say Vitek is knocked off. The only people who'd be at all suspicious would be you and gameon, simply for both moving against him, which is an extremely flimsy case if there ever was one, plus it'd be a kind of stupid mafia move. If they killed a lurker, say Planeshaper, we'd be even worse off since no one's really interacted with him at all.

Wanting to study the reaction of people is entirely legitimate, of course, though pointing it out might make people more aware of themselves come day 2, so I kind of wish you hadn't pointed it out, but whatever.

Now, I'd like to make it totally clear that I'm not accusing you of anything and am at this point not really on either side. I'd just like to hear your reasoning behind your first point.
I don't know anything about cops & nurses and I don't know what.

I'm new to the game, so maybe this is what's giving me a fresh view ...
I've played once mafia 2 years ago, with friends, but there were no nurses or such things
I'm putting myself under the skin of a true villager, and as if we really are in danger.
I see no logic in reducing our numbers if we have no clue about the killer.

Now I put myself in the killer's skin, whom would I kill if I was the killer ?
The most logical person in the thread who might guess who i am and influence others on lynching me.

So the victim would probably be one of the most active members in the thread.
The victim could very well be someone who is just bothering the killer, or somebody that intimidates him.

Now the more I go into details, the more I can influence the killer's actions, he might just pick a random, inactive person just to contradict me, but still, the wisest thing for him would be to kill somebody who posts frequently, seems active and intend on catching him.

I'm not saying that the people who don't post, aren't thinking about it, and are passive, but since nobody knows if they are indeed intend on catching the killer, and are thinking rationally, the killer (Assuming he is logical) won't take the risk to kill of somebody who might not pose a dangerous threat on him.

I don't know if I make any sense... correct me if i'm wrong.

Now, personally, I see on the thread only a handful of people who could not with luck put with logic catch the killer, If I can predict in my mind the murder, I'd be thinking like the killer.

As soon as I am following the same logic as him, I might very well be able to guess who he is.

The only thing that isn't clear to me is, if there are indeed three scums, do they know who the other scums are and do they chose together the next victim or is it turn based ?

If there are indeed 3 killers, It's a little bit more complex, but still, if we can predict the potential victims before the crime happens, might lead to something.

At least one killer might adopt the strategy of being very quiet, in hope of not raising suspicion. It's usually the case of people who aren't very talented in lying, and prefers to just shut up and survive the longest before they let something slip.

Now in case I am the next victim, please be advised that I highly doubt Vitek to be my killer, not only because it'd be too obvious that we have conflicting ideas, but also because if I survive the kill and he is indeed the killer, it'd be more useful for him to pin it on me on the next round.
N0x0ss: *snip*
I suppose you've got a point there, and I do see your line of reasoning. The problem is that, in my opinion, the mafia are more likely to kill off a lurker and leave the more vocal players such as you, Vitek, and (to a lesser extent) me, alive because our conflicting opinions provide a good distraction and makes it easy for them to accuse one of use for a lynch by poking holes in our theories (or pretending to).

And yeah, the 3 mafia members meet together at night and decide one person to kill.
So technically, do they know with one is wich or would they only reveal their identity to each others at night before the kill ? (Hoping they do play by the rules if they're not aloud to divulge their identity before night comes)
N0x0ss: So technically, do they know with one is wich or would they only reveal their identity to each others at night before the kill ? (Hoping they do play by the rules if they're not aloud to divulge their identity before night comes)
This is my first game as well, so I'm not sure, but my guess is that they'd be told in their flavor from Baz, 'specially since this is a newbie game.
Well, so far I'm torn between IronStar and boct1584.

IronStar has jumped on a couple of bandwagons already, and in a newbie game like this one then it is conceivable that mafia could make a rookie mistake like this.

boct1584's early complaints about card-flip still seem to me like a mafia complaint that the setup favours town. Again, it is conceivable that a rookie mafia might make this mistake, but it is clear from boct1584's posts that he has played some form of mafia before.

I don't know where the accusations against N0x0ss or Vitek have come from; I guess I'll have to have a quick re-read to figure these out.
nmillar: Well, so far I'm torn between IronStar and boct1584.

IronStar has jumped on a couple of bandwagons already, and in a newbie game like this one then it is conceivable that mafia could make a rookie mistake like this.

boct1584's early complaints about card-flip still seem to me like a mafia complaint that the setup favours town. Again, it is conceivable that a rookie mafia might make this mistake, but it is clear from boct1584's posts that he has played some form of mafia before.

I don't know where the accusations against N0x0ss or Vitek have come from; I guess I'll have to have a quick re-read to figure these out.
IronStar is definitely a possibility, although it's also possible that he's just a newbie and as such is jumping around a lot because he doesn't have much of an opinion (I've been consciously trying to stop myself from doing this).
Boct's complaint also seemed a bit suspicious, but as you said it seems like quite a blatant mistake for someone who's apparently experienced.

The accusations against N0x0ss and Vitek came about (in my opinion) because they're essentially on opposite sides of the issue, pushing for nolynch and lynch respectively. Since aggressively pushing for anything can seem scummy, some accusations started to pop up, though there's no real solid tells as far as I recall.
N0x0ss: Now in case I am the next victim, please be advised that I highly doubt Vitek to be my killer, not only because it'd be too obvious that we have conflicting ideas, but also because if I survive the kill and he is indeed the killer, it'd be more useful for him to pin it on me on the next round.
See? This is the problem. You can't always never track NK to its source (unless you are tracker:-))
This could be applied to any kill. It's a bucket of Wine. Person A attacks person B, person A gets killed at night. Now person B should be scrutinised because it was in fight with A but what if mafia did the kill only to cast suspicon on B? Or B really is mafia but knew that he won't be suspected because no one would believe he did so obivous kill? Hmm, we should examine him after all. But maybe mafia expected all this and want us to believe it. Or perhaps... (You can continue as long as you want;-))

And yes, mafia know each other and can discuss who to kill (or play strategy) at night and then submit their kill. Only 1 person performs kill each time, though, but it can be other player each time.

Unvote N0x0ss. You convinced me so far that your intents are honest.