bansama: None of this negates the fact that you lied to us in your very first post in this topic. Now, do you really expect people to blindly trust someone who has already lied to them? I'm sorry, but trust is earnt. It is not a given, especially when dealing with someone who already attempted to deceive.
Regardless of any legal action that you may have faced or are facing, you've still shown yourself as being deceptive by your actions in this very topic.
So I'm sorry, but again, I will have to state that you've done nothing to make me want to trust you or your site at this time.
good instincts, kind sir ;)
this guy started the advertising for this "great project", as he always seems to do in business. if you could read the german forums and follow all the links there, you get a picture of this guy thats horrible. to describe this guy and his past and present deeds as "fishy", is like to say hitler was a santa. this guy smells for miles. and now he is starting a charity thing and helping the indie developers? very bad joke, ideed :(
small summary of all this informations found on german forums:
- over 4 years in jail for fraud,
- many times driving witout a licence and got caught,
- used a weak point in his competitors system to get their customers database and posted the fact everywhere in the public. later then he was trying to pretend he was a good helping hand ;)
- started a gratis project, where ppl worked for him and got to get prizes. but this guy sold software payed with stolen cc-data and thats the mentioned court case (worth 100.000 EUR). so he is spending the money to pay a lawyer and of course the ppl will not see any promised prizes. not funny to this ppl, that there is proof, he spend the money on iphones, monitors and stuff and when some ppl announced they will inform the police, he send some small prizes, but the rest is f....
- he was selling gamekeys and many ppl didnt receive any, neither the money back. many negative statements about that fact and that the german police is informed about that.
and thats even just a part of his famous business activities. if you read this german forums, you just keep your mouth wide open and can�t believe so much s... just from one guy. and now he gets into charity business? ;)
and the best thing is, how he is dealing with critics, getting very rude and faking accounts, to post positive statements about himself. got banned dozens of times for that faking, like he tried here, too.
so what did you say about trust? ;)
any developer or publisher, that gets in a line with him, will have to make fast steps backward, or they will never get rid off of this fishy smell ;)
edited: someone posted a nice video, that shows, what he thinks about the publishers ;)