hornedry2k: So please give the Site a Chance and dont judge about it before it starts.
I'm not judging before, I'm waiting to see how the store will work and how legitimate it will be. If you're doing it in a legal way, there's no reason for you to be worried about such negative posts.
But if is illegal, you should stop advertising it until it creates bigger problems for you. ;)
Ashkc88: That's how I feel too. When I pay what I want, I want to pay it to who I want. I want ALL of it to go to the developers. Not some guy who just runs the site, spamming other sites to get publicity. It's just sketchy.
Don't get me wrong, I already donate to charities. I just like the option. It showed something about the Humble Indie Bundle. That it wasn't all about them.
Also, the Humble Indie Bundle was supported by two giant charities. It's not like having the charity from two blocks away from your house, but the f*ing EFF and and the f*ing Child's Play. :)
Who knows which charities this new site will support?!