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high rated
I have a bundled Steam copy of Cthulu Saves the World and Breath of Death VII to give away.

To enter, just answer this question: What game did you ever get stuck on, perhaps so stuck you gave up entirely?

Years ago, I played Shadowman on the Playstation, and there was one level I simply couldn't get past. I remember some cages floating above lava, so the mistakes were fatal and involved starting at the beginning of the level again. I tried so many times that I gave up for good! Only, this past year I booted up the game again and got past that level pretty straightforwardly. I couldn't even remember what exactly had me stuck before. I'll never know if it was a glitch in the game, a brain block on my end, or what!

Today is Monday. On Friday I will close the giveaway and then use to pick a winner from among the entrants.

Good luck, everybody!

(Oh, yeah. Since I am new at this, the winner will have to PM me an email address I can send the prize to. There's probably a non-email way to do this, but I didn't figure it out.)

None. Never. There's no such thing for me as a game I got so stuck that I gave up on. Only games that I leave to return to when I've improved.
Not in (already have it), but thanks and +1.
I've been wishing to read the myths of Chtulu for a looong time, but I never manage to get my hands on them. Not on any shop I've been, and neither on any library I've been a member of. I guess I have to go get them online somewhere now that I have an ebook.

But I digress. To stay on topic, I'll say that I can't recall a game where I've gotten stuck and not abandoned out of boredom. I have quite an inertia, so I tend to stick with a game to completion even when I find it somewhat boring. However, the moment such a game starts to show some resistance, I usually abandon it entirely. I don't count that as being stuck because I think I could get over the hurdle, I just don't feel like it's worth it.

Oh, and I'm not in.
Post edited January 28, 2013 by P1na
P1na: I've been wishing to read the myths of Chtulu for a looong time, but I never manage to get my hands on them. Not on any shop I've been, and neither on any library I've been a member of. I guess I have to go get them online somewhere now that I have an ebook.

But I digress. To stay on topic, I'll say that I can't recall a game where I've gotten stuck and not abandoned out of boredom. I have quite an inertia, so I tend to stick with a game to completion even when I find it somewhat boring. However, the moment such a game starts to show some resistance, I usually abandon it entirely. I don't count that as being stuck because I think I could get over the hurdle, I just don't feel like it's worth it.

Oh, and I'm not in.
Skip the ones written by Derleth after Lovecrafts death - or atleast know beforehand that he writes about waaaay different things that Lovecraft did.

Dark Corners of Earth was pretty nice game btw
P1na: I've been wishing to read the myths of Chtulu for a looong time, but I never manage to get my hands on them. Not on any shop I've been, and neither on any library I've been a member of. I guess I have to go get them online somewhere now that I have an ebook.

But I digress. To stay on topic, I'll say that I can't recall a game where I've gotten stuck and not abandoned out of boredom. I have quite an inertia, so I tend to stick with a game to completion even when I find it somewhat boring. However, the moment such a game starts to show some resistance, I usually abandon it entirely. I don't count that as being stuck because I think I could get over the hurdle, I just don't feel like it's worth it.

Oh, and I'm not in.
iippo: Skip the ones written by Derleth after Lovecrafts death - or atleast know beforehand that he writes about waaaay different things that Lovecraft did.

Dark Corners of Earth was pretty nice game btw
It was indeed. Until you got weapons, at lest. The chasing sequence in Innsmouth was absolutely awesome, and a place I was stuck at for quite some time.
P1na: I've been wishing to read the myths of Chtulu for a looong time, but I never manage to get my hands on them. Not on any shop I've been, and neither on any library I've been a member of.
Here are some of them:
P1na: I've been wishing to read the myths of Chtulu for a looong time, but I never manage to get my hands on them. Not on any shop I've been, and neither on any library I've been a member of. I guess I have to go get them online somewhere now that I have an ebook.
Here you go. All of Lovecraft's surviving fiction, in chronological order! I'd suggest starting with Dagon and working your way forward. The earlier stuff is pretty shitty honestly. There's also an ebook version (in EPUB, MOBI, and PDF) if you'd prefer that over HTML.

EDIT: I actually think that The Rats in the Walls and Pickman's Model are the best introductions to the mythos, so perhaps you should start there, then read a few classics like The Shadow Over Innsmouth, The Dunwich Horror, and The Colour Out of Space before going through chronologically.
Post edited January 28, 2013 by bevinator
P1na: I've been wishing to read the myths of Chtulu for a looong time, but I never manage to get my hands on them. Not on any shop I've been, and neither on any library I've been a member of.
Licurg: Here are some of them:
What is the classic reader site supposed to be? They can't possibly be full books, is it just general information about what each book is all about?

(off topic, it'd be nice if you didn't hate me so much. I'm willing to forgive and forget)
Ooh, I'm in!

It's hard to say because I generally take a long time to play games, even if I love them. By that I mean I tend to replay them a lot before I even finish them.

I may get frustrated now and then and give up for a while, but I'll always go back to something. Right now I'm thinking of "Fahrenheit" - once I got to where I had to control the character's breathing and movement at the same time I felt like WTF! I've only got ten fingers! I haven't been back to that one in quite a while, but now that I'm thinking about it I probably will soon.

Recently, I gave up on Fractured Soul - seriously, fuck that game >_>

Also Cthulhu, not Cthulu. Just Sayin'.
I'm in.

I got stuck playing Mega Bomberman. I've played it for 2 years i think, and I never could get passed the final boss. A few months ago, i started again, but again, failed to defeat the final boss.
Not in, but nice of you to do a giveaway!

Lovecraftian horror is one of my favorite things ever. I really wish there were more movies and games based on his work. There isn't much, and much of what there is, isn't great. It's difficult to put his ideas on screen. Though with today's CGI, they could do a much better job with movies based on his work than they could in the past.
Austrobogulator: NOT IN

Recently, I gave up on Fractured Soul - seriously, fuck that game >_>

Also Cthulhu, not Cthulu. Just Sayin'.
Riht. Cthulhu. Gocha.


Whoa, guys, thanks! I'll be sure to get them down and read them as soon as I get the chance. Although a few of the titles sound familiar, I might have read some when I went through anything Lovecraft on my hometown's library without knowing they were part of the myths. Heh.

In exchange, let me share with you a rather... peculiar and unorthodox take on them. I hardly watch anime animore, but I still have several friends who do and they usually let me know when something worth noting comes out. And this was certainly worth noting. Just skip to 4:15.