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drmlessgames: Combat-wise, I've read about a game which is supposed to have better combat than Dark Messiah. It's an older game called Severance blade of darkness. Havent played it myself, but i would if i found it. (maybe GOG can include it on their catalog. :D)

Its a hell of a good game, a solid 3rd person fighting game with remarkable amounts of gore, incredible levels of dismemberment, blood that actually flows down stairs and (I think) 5 characters who were actually pretty different from each other.
Definitely be a good addition to GOG
Is reading japanese needed??
Yes. Considering that all the games they receive are Japanese versions =)
drmlessgames: I couldnt get to do much stealth attacks in the game, i think only the daggers were good for that, and they werent that powerful.

Daggers didn't have to be powerful. They were for slicing throats when you sneaked up on enemies >:) As a main weapon they were good, because of attack speed.
drmlessgames: I suppose I wasnt much of a combat warrior. I didnt know most of the time what to do when the power attack glow was enabled too. :D

Then you missed some nice animations ;) With adrenaline glow you would kill any enemy with one blow.
drmlessgames: Combat-wise, I've read about a game which is supposed to have better combat than Dark Messiah. It's an older game called Severance blade of darkness. Havent played it myself, but i would if i found it. (maybe GOG can include it on their catalog. :D)

Severance had some neat animations & great ambient lightning but being pure hack 'n' slash it didn't kept me for long. It is however excellent action game that sadly didn't receive as much attention as deserved.
drmlessgames: Combat-wise, I've read about a game which is supposed to have better combat than Dark Messiah. It's an older game called Severance blade of darkness. Havent played it myself, but i would if i found it. (maybe GOG can include it on their catalog. :D)
Thiev: Severance had some neat animations & great ambient lightning but being pure hack 'n' slash it didn't kept me for long. It is however excellent action game that sadly didn't receive as much attention as deserved.

Severance was amazing and now you reminded me I will have to reinstall it. The combat in that game actually feels brutal and if you are not careful you will die easily. You can feel the arrows smacking into your shield as you advance on an archer.
Unfortunaly I think I got stuck against some flaming skeleton boss as the dwarf and gave up on it last I played.
My sister used to play The Sims and some casual games, but she was no big gamer.
OTOH my Guild Wars friend plays action RPGs too, we played Titan Quest and Diablo 2 a couple times online. She was looking for someone to play GW with on some online chat about two years ago, so we started playing together since then.
drmlessgames: I always wondered if female gamers didnt care about having a male soldier player character for example, when they are playing a game online.

My GW co-player's character is male warrior.
Post edited July 10, 2009 by klaymen
Ralackk: Severance was amazing and now you reminded me I will have to reinstall it. The combat in that game actually feels brutal and if you are not careful you will die easily. You can feel the arrows smacking into your shield as you advance on an archer.
Unfortunaly I think I got stuck against some flaming skeleton boss as the dwarf and gave up on it last I played.

Glad to be of service ;)
As for the skeleton hit 'n' run tactics worked well for me, but I had amazon character.
klaymen: My sister used to play The Sims and some casual games, but she was no big gamer.
OTOH my Guild Wars friend plays action RPGs too, we played Titan Quest and Diablo 2 a couple times online. She was looking for someone to play GW with on some online chat about two years ago, so we started playing together since then.
drmlessgames: I always wondered if female gamers didnt care about having a male soldier player character for example, when they are playing a game online.

My GW co-player's character is male warrior.

Yeah, for some reason, here where I live for example, the only game girls play is the Sims 2. I doubt the new Sims 3 will be as popular as this game they are playing now. They just can't seen to quit playing Sims 2 and their expansions. :D
captfitz: Just curious, want to see how many female goggers there are. I personally don't know any girls who game, let alone who are into retro gaming.
Do you think girl gamers prefer a different sort of gaming experience from guys?

I started gaming in 1998 (I'm 19 now) and I remember playing the first Duke Nukem. That the was first game I ever played. I'm not sure what you mean by "retro", but some of the older games I remember playing have been the second and third Duke Nukem, Blue Force (I had so much fun with that game) and Commander Keen.
I enjoy pretty much everything. Love RPGs mainly. As for The Sims, yes, I am a huge fan but mainly because I love the whole "creating" aspect of it. Building houses and then furnishing is somehow therapeutic for me and creating a Sim to play that is completely different from how I am is an interesting concept; kind of like a "what if?" scenario.
Thiev: Glad to be of service ;)
As for the skeleton hit 'n' run tactics worked well for me, but I had amazon character.

Might have to try that tactic but with a couple of shields. I only had a single metal one when I came up against him and it had already taken quite a beating before that.
To post something on topic, I don't think I've ever been in a clan or guild that didn't have at least a few girl gamers in. The games ranged from WoW to Delta Force 2 and Diablo 2(less of a clan but a group of people helping each other out).
Did we find one yet?????
soulgrindr: Did we find one yet?????

Read back a bit to find out. Actually, there are at least 4, count them, FOUR female gamers here!
Seriously, though, my take on it is that those what the ladies here called "stereotypes" are true to a large portion of females (also based on my OWN experiences), and they (these ladies) are the exceptions that prove the rule ;-).
The very fact that such a thread could come to existence is proof that female gamers are not a common sight...
Wengistein: I started gaming in 1998 (I'm 19 now) and I remember playing the first Duke Nukem.
soulgrindr: Did we find one yet?????

im glad there's actually been some intelligent discussion
on any other forum this thread would be filled with "pics plz" and sexist jokes
soulgrindr: Did we find one yet?????

No we haven't found one yet.
However, we have confirmed the existence of the Loch Ness Monster, Bigfoot, the Roswell aliens, and God. Alas, the elusive creature known as the Female Gamer (Femme Elektronikus) remains at large with only blurry pictures offered by lonely, reclusive Mexican sheep farmers as "proof". We are still standing by for further reports but we are far from optimistic about receiveing any concrete evidence...
Post edited July 12, 2009 by JudasIscariot
soulgrindr: Did we find one yet?????
DrIstvaan: Read back a bit to find out. Actually, there are at least 4, count them, FOUR female gamers here!

I reckon that with such a low count, it's still okay for me to assume anyone is a guy unless specifically told otherwise. Sorry girls, but I'm not getting into the whole "he or she", "his or hers", "himself or herself" politically correct linguistic nightmare. If it's any comfort, it's not sexist, just convenient.