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ChickenHero: This is debatable, i wouldn't want to see gay people kissing each other whilst walking around skyrim it would ruin
my emersion and i would have to kill them to put it back to normal
Is that what you do in real life too? Are you from Iran or Saudi Arabia?
ChickenHero: This is debatable, i wouldn't want to see gay people kissing each other whilst walking around skyrim it would ruin
my emersion and i would have to kill them to put it back to normal
kalirion: Is that what you do in real life too? Are you from Iran or Saudi Arabia?
Sorry is there something wrong with killing whoever i want in an RPG?
ChickenHero: Sorry is there something wrong with killing whoever i want in an RPG?
Certainly not, I thought that's what fantasy RPGs are all about! Escaping the real world for a few hours and dream about a better life without equal rights where you can just kill everyone who looks and acts different than you and your king. ;)
SLP2000: I think there should be an option at the beginning of the game (i.e. character creation) so the players could choose if their character is heterosexual or not. And then the game could depend on their choice.

Games should stay games. We have enough politics everywhere else.
Definitely. Let's also make sure we get options for race, religion, social status, physical build and whatnot in there as well because personnaly i'm sick of the non white, the fat, the poor and the religious nut jobs polluting my fantasy worlds and offending my susceptibilities along with all the lesbian women and gay men running around in pink tutus. Seriously, how dare Leliana come up to my Warden with all that personnal and intimate religion/faith/maker/doubts bullshit crazy talk ? Oh boy, how i wished for an "ATHEIST" option in the gameplay options menu under the "FAITH" tab while my sane, straight male susceptibilities were being offended left and right by her crazy talk about some maker and her faith and her doubts and all sorts of nonsense like that. What a waste of perfectly good dialogue lines that with the ATHEIST option checked in the menu could have been used to instead talk indepth about the virtues of caramel puddin or maybe about...i dunno, Orlsesian shoes.
More gay characters in video games?

Yes, please!
At least they are still developing true macho games like this one.
Namur: snip
None of the things you mentioned seem to cause any discussion in relation to games.
park_84: At least they are still developing true macho games like this one.
They just don't get that Ai Cho Aniki had best soundtrack, best art and best fun...
ChickenHero: This is debatable, i wouldn't want to see gay people kissing each other whilst walking around skyrim it would ruin
my emersion and i would have to kill them to put it back to normal
kalirion: Is that what you do in real life too? Are you from Iran or Saudi Arabia?
I get the feeling that what he's really after is Duke Nukem: The Role Playing Game.
SLP2000: None of the things you mentioned seem to cause any discussion in relation to games.
Maybe we should start discussing those things then, i'm sure the devs will appreciate knowing beforehand exactly how many flags and optional dialogues they will have to take into account. Or maybe the discussion on other aspects will flourish on its own once such first option is intoroduced.
Or maybe this one particular discussion should be more focused on criticizing the shitty writing, shitty mechanics and half assed characterization, that bring about "Anders" like situations for instance, and less on lobbying to cater to susceptibilitie X or Y.
Namur: Maybe we should start discussing those things then
You are welcome to create the thread to discuss those things.

I'm not intersted in DA at all, so I can't discuss writing/mechanics and other stuff.
Two words for you: Uncle Crassius! (if you didn't get this play Morrowind as a male character and join the House Hlaalu)

I think games like TES should be all about freedom, so I don't have a problem with there being gay relationships. Dragon Age and Fable are in the same boat. I think its good that companies can include gay and lesbian characters without fear of the game being put on trial by the Spanish Inquisition, however I think some games to take sexuality too far. And I'm not talking about just gay or straight, but sexuality in general. Not every game has to have a romantic sub-plot that ruins the game Ubisoft! But this not just about that studio but many other companies feel as though they have to include romance options to keep players interested. For gods' sake Mass Effect sold its first million copies on the sales pitch that you can have sex with an alien!

Maybe this is a sign that games are branching out to appeal to a greater sexual audience and I'm all for that but not when it takes away from good gameplay. Women and gays should feel comfortable playing games just as the traditional male audience and devs should accommodate this, but including a gay character or a Metroid style heroine isn't going to make up for years of ignoring a particular demographic.

Thirdly, TES is all about role-playing, if you want to RP as a gay character that's cool. If you want to RP as a eunuch or androgynous character, go right ahead. The options for a straight character have, and always will, be there if you want it.

In conclusion, yes, games should include gay characters, transgender characters, trans-racial characters, and trans-species characters, but the sexuality, gender, race, or species of a character should not get in the way of the game or be the only characteristic. After all, games are art in a sense and one should not try to restrict them based on today's values.
high rated
ChickenHero: Sorry is there something wrong with killing whoever i want in an RPG?
No there isn't. You can roleplay a homophobic psycopath if you want, and more power to you. But it still shouldn't "ruin your immersion" to see gays in a game.

And how does this sound?

"Black characters in Games?

Do you think it has gone too far?

With the recent announcement that skyrim will have interracial marriages as well as quite a few other games having the 'option' it seems it's becoming more and more commonplace.

Now i don't hate blacks or anything but i don't exactly want this spreading around to more and more games, for example in Mass Effect 2 it was very annoying as a white character to get hit on by Jacob with no neutral option to say 'i'm not into blacks' (you get negative reputation with him for saying that sort of thing). As well as the fact that all the white characters were into coloreds which isn't very realistic.

Personally as long as these sort of characters don't try and chat my character up and keep it to themselves in private i am ok with it, unless in skyrim if i saw an interracial couple walking around then i would pull out my axe and kill them to cleanse the world :P"
Post edited August 31, 2011 by kalirion
kalirion: And how does this sound?
A round of applause and rep for you, sir.
I don't have anything with gay, bisexual, whatever in games but (this "but" is dedicated to Ash360 and shane-o) as long as it makes sense in the game from a "roleplay" perspective.

That some characters are straight, some other are be gay or even bi, fine, it makes sense, but having everybody in the universe becoming magically bisexual because of political correctness, lazy writing or worse, marketing purpose (Yes DAII I am talking about you!) that's what I call going too far and for me that kill the immersion.