acare84: I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream
That's actually one I would want. It was a very disturbing adventure title, one that will remain with me forever, and I'd love to get my hands on it again.
Monster Jam; one terrible Twisted Metal clone.
2000s Spy Hunter; awful revival of a beloved arcade game. The one that came after that was pretty awful, too.
Any Driver game that's not Driver I or II; Driv3r marked the end of this series' quality.
Game Shows; If I want to play a game show, I'll play the free online version, thankyouverymuch.
The games in the lower drawer of my desk; Like I've told you guys before, I have a love for old games. In fact, I recently bought 35 or 40 old games from eBay for the price of $68. The bidding was intense and I ended up paying much more than I wanted to. Currently, they're residing in my lower desk drawer, and I'm working hard to make each one Vista-compatible (I'm a masochist, aren't I?). I would hate it if any of these games got posted up here, especially if it's one I just got to work. Plus, that would mean these rare games I paid top dollar for are now available to everyone.
While I'm on the subject, has anyone figured out a way to get Legacy of Time to work on Vista? Looks like a fun game.