Weclock: Anyplace to make my own text based adventure? I can't seem to figure out the coding (haven't tried) for one myself and I have some killer ideas..
I found as a place to start, but the site is deliciously text based itself :}
There are some tools out there that let you build them easily. I think there are a few on
http://sourceforge.net/, but I can't say for sure.
The Wintermute Engine, while designed for Point'n'Click adventure games, is powerful enough to do text based adventures
An for those who have not seen this awesome piece of software, get yourself over to :
Finally, there is the fun of having a go at programming. I made a very dodgy 5 room game, back in High School, using Turbo Pascal!
Couldn't figure out a proper word parser, but it taught me a little on how it all works. With all the resources around now, getting something basic as a proof of concept should be more easy.