DProject: So you're telling me you know better than I, what sort of problems I ran into? I played the 360 version, a promo copy, so maybe the problem was my TV, but seeing I have no such problems with any of my other games (amounts to about 40 retails), I'd still blame the game. I'm telling you, when I left outdoors, I couldn't see jack if I didn't increase the brightness on my TV. And when I went back outside, the massive whiteness was enough to burn images onto the screen in seconds. And onto my vision. Therefor I had to decrease the brightness. Switching constantly between these settings was a pain. And yeah, I do know about the flash effect; that is fine.
Yes, I finished the game despite hating it and dying constantly from falling, and no, I did not use guns anywhere else except that one point where you have to.
I beat it on PC but I played 2 hours or so on xbox and I could see perfectly fine. sitting 1 meter away from 48 inch plasma TV. no blinding whatsover.