FraterPerdurabo: Wait, people disliked Neverhood?
Anyway, I pretty much agree with Roman.
The problem with current generation game journalism is that everyone and their dog calls themselves a critic. The result is that there is no common standard and most reviews simply reflect the inherent bias of the reviewer. There's no real way of telling whether you're going to find the game the same as the reviewer did.
i.e. a contemporary reviewer is likely to put heavy emphasis on graffix, whereas for me it plays a very little role. They seem to not mind (they in fact seemingly prefer) linear gameplay, whereas for me, it's a heavy drawback.
Oh and then there's obviously the issue with the publishers paying off every single commercial publication / reviewing body. It seems that they practically write the reviews for the publication. And then you obviously have the issue with the employees writing their own 10/10 reviews for the game - anyone recall the Telltale Games and the DO:A2 reviews?
edit: tl;dr: my main quarrel is with games being rated too high, rather than too low. The end result is what spindown mentioned - anything under 7.4 is below average. Ultimately the games that are rated fairly / unfavourably are considered inferior to the overrated blockbusters.
If they did they deserve to have their heads checked, imo.
And what's wrong with that? With more voices comes more garbage to sift through, but also more POVs on things we may or may not like and/or want to try for ourselves. I happen to think that's a good thing.
As for standards, I don't think there needs to be one. I think people need to use common sense and determine which reviewers meet their needs and/or don't practice things you dislike which may affect their reviews(being paid off, using gimmicks to review and not their honest views, etc.) & that one should take from the reviewers that DO make the cut a sampling of viewpoints to make one's decision with....along with other methods(listed above) of course. Only a fool would trust just one review source or method of verifying something's usefulness to them, right?
By doing what I listed here and above, one can easily pick "honest" reviewers that will help them to pick things they may like with greater accuracy and less YES, there IS a way of telling if you'll like a product or not, if you do it right and don't just do a tiny bit of research into something and then leap in without doing more or being more wise.
I agree that reviewers being bought off is crap, but as I said before there ARE some reviewers who are more honest/not paid shills who you can draw POVs from(among other sources/methods)before buying something.
Who cares if some consider games inferior because of some lousy score that the game may or may not have deserved, or if a game is unfairly(In your eyes) high or low rated as long as you enjoy the game and play it or don't enjoy it and skip it?