Whitecroc: Psychonauts (PC) - got all the Achievements, too.
Fun fact: this is the third or fourth computer I've played Psychonauts on, and the first one that can actually run it at acceptable levels. Damn, but it's nice not to suddenly drop to a crawl whenever I'm levitating.
Other fun fact: this is my second "serious" playthrough of the game. The first time I collected everything up to but not including Black Velvetopia (which I played last of the three which can be played in any order), but didn't manage to complete the game before heading home (I was visiting family in the States).
When I got back the save file had been uninstalled along with the game, and ever since I've been trying to motivate myself to play the game again; in fact, it was the first game I installed on this computer, back in aught-eight, and it's been sitting there since. Then the Steam version was updated, there was a sale and holiday cheevments, and I figured I'd buy it a second time, which led to me finally completing the game. The playthrough was done on both my laptop and my desktop; gotta love Steam Cloud.
EDIT: I also had to replay all of Lungfishopolis and The Milkman Conspiracy as I finished the latter too quickly and missed out on a lot of cool stuff that is removed when you beat the level and I forgot to save after the former. I got a strange feeling of déjà vu while doing it; I think I did the same thing the last time as well. Heh.
The Milkman Conspiracy and Lungfishopolis were, for me, the 2 genuinely LOL funny parts of the game - love those CIA agents and Japanese Lungfish!
I need to go back to the 'save point of no return' and get some more stuff, just got to motivate myself, I think its because of the thought of doing the whole of the MeatCircus AGAIN!