ovoon: I watched Advent Children last night. What a crap movie, what even happened??
My friends and I have come to the conclusion that the whole thing is pure fan service and just made to look cool. With that said though, I enjoy the movie as a mindless action flick (even though they try to push some story and serious bits into it) and try to just have a good time when I watch it.
As for Final Fantasy games in general, I've been a fan since VII (or Mystic Quest if we're counting non-numerical entries) and have been playing the rest ever since.
Never liked FF3.
Can sometimes get into FF2.
Can always do a runthrough of FF1 (GBA remake or above, the other versions are far too old-school for me to get into).
I don't mind FF4.
FF5 is a blast, love the job system and lighter storyline. And Gilgamesh!
FF6 is great, probably the best of the pre-3D ones.
FFVII has beautiful pre-rendered backgrounds and cutscenes, but blocky 3D models.
FFVIII is the start of the more realistic character models, and I really enjoyed the Junction system when I understood how it worked.
FFIX is a throwback to the earlier games and is really well-done.
FFX and up are more or less bleh games to me.
And to keep on topic with the OP, I would perform a manly squee should FFVII & FFVIII were to be released on here someday.