Aliasalpha: If they wanted to make him out to be a shortsighted wanker then they managed that extremely well but the notable and oft mentioned gender discrimination NEEDED a conversation
But, he's not short sighted. He's extremely pragmatic in his goals. It's a relatively recent luxury that the developed world has of having women as soldiers for the precise reasons he states. Additionally, from a historical perspective the needs of war were not satisfiable by women. Sort of like how during the rule of Alexander the Great they couldn't accommodate lefties either.
And as for the speech option, that would carry it quite far from role playing into a quagmire that's even worse than it is presently. The courier as a character is sufficiently aware of the reality of the Mojave to be pretty nonplussed by all sorts of bigger problems.
Same goes for the other folks, just head into the Novac store after handling Boone's quest and talk with the shop keep. While he hasn't killed anywhere near as many people, he's pretty unimpressed by what you have to say.
Or ask Boone about how he knows about his wife's fate.