Posted July 27, 2013

Registered: Dec 2012
From Micronesia

Bring the GOG-Downloader back!
Registered: Apr 2011
From Germany
Posted July 28, 2013

It really bugs me that we didn't get a reveal on P1na. That would make things easier for the town. Not knowing for sure what he was makes it hard to draw solid conclusions from his death.
As for my choice of target: I still think that is valid. Twister seems to me to be going after the easy targets. I.e. the noobs. One of them being incidentally me. And even after being prodded for other suspects - and reasons for his suspicions - he just evades the question with a generic "I'm keeping an eye on everyone." That really says nothing and doesn't help the town in the least.
I think he is not even trying to help town. But his playstyle would make sense for a mafia player. Reducing the number of townies by going after those who make some noob-errors and otherwise keep a low profile by not revealing too much. Keeping answers short and generic, so that no one can get anything solid on him. All this looks like scum to me.

Master of Karate and friendship for everyone
Registered: Apr 2009
From British Indian Ocean Territory
Posted July 28, 2013
Heat wave votecount:
QuadrAlien – 2 – flubbucket, JoeSapphire
TwisterBE – 1 - Lifthrasil
Lifthrasil – 1 - TwisterBE
Flubbucket – 1 – QuadrAlien
Not voting – CSPVG, Jmich, SirPrimalform, TwilightBard, Robbeasy
With 10 alive it takes 6 to lynch.
QuadrAlien and TwisterBe are closest to lynch with 2 votes, tied at L-4.
Several players are close to prodding range. Please, post soon or I'll have to prod you.
QuadrAlien – 2 – flubbucket, JoeSapphire
TwisterBE – 1 - Lifthrasil
Lifthrasil – 1 - TwisterBE
Flubbucket – 1 – QuadrAlien
Not voting – CSPVG, Jmich, SirPrimalform, TwilightBard, Robbeasy
With 10 alive it takes 6 to lynch.
QuadrAlien and TwisterBe are closest to lynch with 2 votes, tied at L-4.
Several players are close to prodding range. Please, post soon or I'll have to prod you.
Post edited July 29, 2013 by Vitek

my name is catte
i touch your foods
Registered: Mar 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted July 28, 2013
Hmm, after a light bit of re-reading I feel ok in voting QuadrAlien. I agree with Flub's reasoning in #467.

A Horrible Human Person. If you need me, chat.
Registered: Apr 2011
From Greece
Posted July 28, 2013
Ok, real life messes with me quite a bit, so couldn't reply earlier.
As I said before, I still don't have any solid reads to classify someone as scum or not. Still, my 4 scummiest picks, in no particular order:
SirPrimalForm. He pushed a bit too hard for lynching N0x0ss. Today he happily jumps on a wagon because he agrees with Flubbucket, but doesn't post his reasons.
Lifthrasil. His playstyle does seem consistent with someone who was thrown in the deep end of the pool and finds himself swimming with sharks, but it could be a scum trying to look confused. Not to mention the fact that he does switch his vote quite a bit, and it could be used as a defence later on to explain his frantic vote switching.
CSPVG. I had to go back and see if he had actually posted during Day 2. He has posted, and he was the one that asked us for the scummiest reads after all. Not sure why I have pegged him as not participating all that much this day, probably due to him being ill.
QuadrAlien. I have a bad habit of acting like a dog with a bone. Once I find someone suspicious during Day 1, I continue to hound them. Not to mention the fact that he proposes a plan that counts on him dying and flipping town. That could either be a townie who doesn't care about himself, or a scum taking a chance that his bluff will protect him.
I also keep thinking that we have a few people not posting, but I probably need more sleep. Let's see how the day develops.
As I said before, I still don't have any solid reads to classify someone as scum or not. Still, my 4 scummiest picks, in no particular order:
SirPrimalForm. He pushed a bit too hard for lynching N0x0ss. Today he happily jumps on a wagon because he agrees with Flubbucket, but doesn't post his reasons.
Lifthrasil. His playstyle does seem consistent with someone who was thrown in the deep end of the pool and finds himself swimming with sharks, but it could be a scum trying to look confused. Not to mention the fact that he does switch his vote quite a bit, and it could be used as a defence later on to explain his frantic vote switching.
CSPVG. I had to go back and see if he had actually posted during Day 2. He has posted, and he was the one that asked us for the scummiest reads after all. Not sure why I have pegged him as not participating all that much this day, probably due to him being ill.
QuadrAlien. I have a bad habit of acting like a dog with a bone. Once I find someone suspicious during Day 1, I continue to hound them. Not to mention the fact that he proposes a plan that counts on him dying and flipping town. That could either be a townie who doesn't care about himself, or a scum taking a chance that his bluff will protect him.
I also keep thinking that we have a few people not posting, but I probably need more sleep. Let's see how the day develops.

Registered: Dec 2012
From Micronesia
Posted July 28, 2013

I also keep thinking that we have a few people not posting, but I probably need more sleep. Let's see how the day develops.
So yup, I think we have a few people not posting.
I take notes.

A Horrible Human Person. If you need me, chat.
Registered: Apr 2011
From Greece
Posted July 28, 2013

Would it be possible to have a post count as well, since it seems you've already done most of the work? If not, I'll try to do one myself tomorrow.

Bring the GOG-Downloader back!
Registered: Apr 2011
From Germany
Posted July 28, 2013
Don't worry, my post count will go down in the coming two weeks. I'm going on a vacation on Tuesday. I'll still try to access the internet once a day, but more will not be possible, I guess.

Registered: Jan 2013
From South Africa
Posted July 28, 2013
I have come back to the land of the living to re-read this thread. Having done so, in three marathon sessions over a few hours, I must say one thing: I'm more confused than when I started. Having said that, I can't not post my top four list, as I promised to. Here goes nothing.
Top four scummiest list:
1.TwisterBE-Twister's first day posts were really very odd. He started off the game( post 6) by saying that TwilightBard Looked scummy, but voted nolynch in anyway. He explained this later, in post 86, by asserting that he did not want to lynch and innocent player.
Having said this, he votes for Lifthrasil( post 133)*. He gave no real reason, other than stating that Lifthrasil was his top suspect. He did, however, later state why he found Lifthrasil suspicious( post 159). At the time he was also reluctant to reveal his second suspect. Said suspect turned out to be P1na( post 179).
In post 323, TwisterBE votes for N0x0ss. He admits that he voted for N0x0ss to save himself, and that he believes N0x0ss to be innocent. This is a full 91 posts before the actual lynch vote. Surely, with QuadrAlien and myself also being close to lynch, Twister could have gotten onto a wagon for a player he found more suspect, or in the very least better explain his vote. Twister then explained the reason for his vote in post 449, stating that he wanted to avoid a nolynch.
The last point may seem fair enough, but Twister's vote fore N0x0ss( although he did not believe him to be scum) and low post count( none of Twister's posts aren't really content heavy, either), make me suspicious of Twister.
2.QuadrAlien/Pazzer-Several of you called me out for not mentioning Quad, and having re-read the thread, I can now see why you were right to do so. From the off, Pazzer was suspicious, saying that he did not believe we would find a mafia member today, and so voted nolynch( post 9). Posting something such as that so early in the thread is inexcusable to me, as conversation is the town's best weapon on day 1. It's were we get all our material to analyse/make accusations.
Pazzer's next very suspect moment comes in post 97, in which he states that day one shall not be quick, and that he will now have to pay attention. Surely one pays attention from the start of a mafia game, not 97 posts into one.
Pazzer only appears again for posts 166 and 167. In those he slightly praises Lifthrasil and TwiserBE for voting no lynch, but criticises me for doing the same thing. He also responds to Joe's question of why he voted nolynch by stating that he had voted for the moderator during the RVS, and felt he needed to 'change things up' slightly. At this point both Lifthrasil and TwisterBE were voting for a nolynch.
Since Pazzer's departure, QuadrAlien hasn't done much to make up for his predecessors oddities. I've asked him a question or two that he has dodged, or flat out ignored. For his general oddity, Pazzer/QuadrAlien is number 2 on my list.
3.flubbucket-Flubbucket's makes a softclaim in post 12, stating that if Kang's killers were terrestrial, he'd have to be an alien. When confronted about this claim, chiefly by SirPrimalForm and myself, he back tracked. So far, in fact, that he claimed to be human in post 28. To make matters worse, he said he did so simply to garner player reactions. This is something that I got on N0x0ss's case about, and I don't see how I let this slip by.
Admittedly, a lot has happened since then, but I feel that that incident alone is strange enough to warrant flubbucket's inclusion as number 3 on my list.
4.Lifthrasil-Lifthrasil made the first player post in the thread, voting for a nolynch. From their Lifthrasil flops between no less than six votes. ( I counted that many, at least. I may have missed one; if anyone would like me to provide specific post numbers for all of these instances, I'd be happy to oblige).
Once again, it's not much to go on. Then again, that's why I placed Lifthrasil at number 4 on my list.
*That is not to say that I find Lifthrasil innocent. The truth is much to the contrary, as evinced by his inclusion on my list.
I'm sorry if my list isn't very helpful, but I felt it was the least I could do to contributed. If you see any faults in post numbers given or accusations made, please inform me. Do remember, however, that I read all 420-odd first day posts in a matter of hours, and so may have missed a few things. I have a few other queries, but I'll pose those later; this post is long enough.
Top four scummiest list:
1.TwisterBE-Twister's first day posts were really very odd. He started off the game( post 6) by saying that TwilightBard Looked scummy, but voted nolynch in anyway. He explained this later, in post 86, by asserting that he did not want to lynch and innocent player.
Having said this, he votes for Lifthrasil( post 133)*. He gave no real reason, other than stating that Lifthrasil was his top suspect. He did, however, later state why he found Lifthrasil suspicious( post 159). At the time he was also reluctant to reveal his second suspect. Said suspect turned out to be P1na( post 179).
In post 323, TwisterBE votes for N0x0ss. He admits that he voted for N0x0ss to save himself, and that he believes N0x0ss to be innocent. This is a full 91 posts before the actual lynch vote. Surely, with QuadrAlien and myself also being close to lynch, Twister could have gotten onto a wagon for a player he found more suspect, or in the very least better explain his vote. Twister then explained the reason for his vote in post 449, stating that he wanted to avoid a nolynch.
The last point may seem fair enough, but Twister's vote fore N0x0ss( although he did not believe him to be scum) and low post count( none of Twister's posts aren't really content heavy, either), make me suspicious of Twister.
2.QuadrAlien/Pazzer-Several of you called me out for not mentioning Quad, and having re-read the thread, I can now see why you were right to do so. From the off, Pazzer was suspicious, saying that he did not believe we would find a mafia member today, and so voted nolynch( post 9). Posting something such as that so early in the thread is inexcusable to me, as conversation is the town's best weapon on day 1. It's were we get all our material to analyse/make accusations.
Pazzer's next very suspect moment comes in post 97, in which he states that day one shall not be quick, and that he will now have to pay attention. Surely one pays attention from the start of a mafia game, not 97 posts into one.
Pazzer only appears again for posts 166 and 167. In those he slightly praises Lifthrasil and TwiserBE for voting no lynch, but criticises me for doing the same thing. He also responds to Joe's question of why he voted nolynch by stating that he had voted for the moderator during the RVS, and felt he needed to 'change things up' slightly. At this point both Lifthrasil and TwisterBE were voting for a nolynch.
Since Pazzer's departure, QuadrAlien hasn't done much to make up for his predecessors oddities. I've asked him a question or two that he has dodged, or flat out ignored. For his general oddity, Pazzer/QuadrAlien is number 2 on my list.
3.flubbucket-Flubbucket's makes a softclaim in post 12, stating that if Kang's killers were terrestrial, he'd have to be an alien. When confronted about this claim, chiefly by SirPrimalForm and myself, he back tracked. So far, in fact, that he claimed to be human in post 28. To make matters worse, he said he did so simply to garner player reactions. This is something that I got on N0x0ss's case about, and I don't see how I let this slip by.
Admittedly, a lot has happened since then, but I feel that that incident alone is strange enough to warrant flubbucket's inclusion as number 3 on my list.
4.Lifthrasil-Lifthrasil made the first player post in the thread, voting for a nolynch. From their Lifthrasil flops between no less than six votes. ( I counted that many, at least. I may have missed one; if anyone would like me to provide specific post numbers for all of these instances, I'd be happy to oblige).
Once again, it's not much to go on. Then again, that's why I placed Lifthrasil at number 4 on my list.
*That is not to say that I find Lifthrasil innocent. The truth is much to the contrary, as evinced by his inclusion on my list.
I'm sorry if my list isn't very helpful, but I felt it was the least I could do to contributed. If you see any faults in post numbers given or accusations made, please inform me. Do remember, however, that I read all 420-odd first day posts in a matter of hours, and so may have missed a few things. I have a few other queries, but I'll pose those later; this post is long enough.

my name is catte
i touch your foods
Registered: Mar 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted July 28, 2013

I seem to remember someone earlier suggesting that when someone votes because of reasons given by someone else they can somehow blame a bad lynch on the someone else. This seems strange to me as it seems obvious that one should be considered responsible for their own vote.

Registered: Apr 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted July 28, 2013

So much for my idea of clarity, it appears.

Registered: Dec 2012
From Micronesia
Posted July 28, 2013

Would it be possible to have a post count as well, since it seems you've already done most of the work? If not, I'll try to do one myself tomorrow.
flubbucket 66
Jmich 40
JoeSapphire 33
Lifthrasil 68
Noxoss 61
QuadrAlien 11
Pina 42
Robbeasy 20
SirPrimalform 48
TwilightBard 20
TwisterBE 16
Vitek 21
pazzer 7
As of post count # 506

Luteless Bard
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States
Posted July 29, 2013
I'm gonna peg this one as unacceptable. The question is, who amongst us all pings your scumdar to the point where they'd get your vote next? Who qualifies as secondary?
@SirPrimalForm: I'm not a fan of just the 'agreement' votes because it doesn't bring anything from the people who are agreeing. I mean, it's fine that you agree with reasoning, but you have to have something that isn't exactly the same as what Flubb said.
@Lift: Honestly, the back and forth from your convincing isn't enough for me to register a vote. But what I'm not liking is you turning that into a chance to attack Twist. That makes me nervous about my thoughts.
@Quad: Same question I gave to Twister, give us an idea of who you're keeping a specific eye on, please.
I don't really have many thoughts. I had a target going into Night 1, but I've been sitting there rethinking that. So that's a null point. I'm not sure if I agree with the sudden shut down of the talk about the NK, but I also have an odd feeling about seeing Quad being so quick to bring up a role that fits the scenario.
My thoughts about the NK? Well, I think P1na was killed, for 2 potential reasons. The first is simple, he was most likely a target that the Mafia (And yes, I think p1na was town. This is based on the fact that it's the simplest explanation, it's harder to dive into a scenario that has a serial killer at this point without evidence) thought wouldn't be targetted for protection, and if an investigative role targeted him, they wouldn't have gotten any actual information. And the experienced of us wouldn't be able to get a lot of information from the kill at the point in time.
The second reason? As I said earlier, the new players are wild cards. It sounds weird to say, but a lot of people find it easier to try to fool people that they can argue have established mannerisms and ways of thinking.
@SirPrimalForm: I'm not a fan of just the 'agreement' votes because it doesn't bring anything from the people who are agreeing. I mean, it's fine that you agree with reasoning, but you have to have something that isn't exactly the same as what Flubb said.
@Lift: Honestly, the back and forth from your convincing isn't enough for me to register a vote. But what I'm not liking is you turning that into a chance to attack Twist. That makes me nervous about my thoughts.
@Quad: Same question I gave to Twister, give us an idea of who you're keeping a specific eye on, please.
I don't really have many thoughts. I had a target going into Night 1, but I've been sitting there rethinking that. So that's a null point. I'm not sure if I agree with the sudden shut down of the talk about the NK, but I also have an odd feeling about seeing Quad being so quick to bring up a role that fits the scenario.
My thoughts about the NK? Well, I think P1na was killed, for 2 potential reasons. The first is simple, he was most likely a target that the Mafia (And yes, I think p1na was town. This is based on the fact that it's the simplest explanation, it's harder to dive into a scenario that has a serial killer at this point without evidence) thought wouldn't be targetted for protection, and if an investigative role targeted him, they wouldn't have gotten any actual information. And the experienced of us wouldn't be able to get a lot of information from the kill at the point in time.
The second reason? As I said earlier, the new players are wild cards. It sounds weird to say, but a lot of people find it easier to try to fool people that they can argue have established mannerisms and ways of thinking.

Too Old
Registered: Sep 2008
From United Kingdom

Registered: Jan 2013
From South Africa
Posted July 29, 2013
I promise to get back to the present situation soon, but after the notes I made yesterday, I can't help but address one remaining issue( I can't seem to find a better word at the moment). This being: Did we actually agree to follow Joe's Lynch All Liars idea? It didn't seem like it to me. Does anyone think it would be helpful to hold a quick yay or nay vote, to establish whether we all agree to follow the LAL rule?