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Warden's Keep also gives you some cool blood powers if you're an evil character. I thought it was a good DLC, though likely not worth what they charged for it.
That seems to be my main feeling on DLC as a whole: there are good DLCs, but there are very few worth the price. For a 50 hour game like Dragon Age a 2 hour DLC should really sell for like $3, not $10 or $7.
Namur: eh, eh, that's usually the way it goes isn't it ? But the items, Starfang and the armor, are nice at least.
Pitty that after all the trouble to clean up the place there's no way to go back inside. Alistair's fault, i bet. He probably lost the key to the front door or something.

I bought Warden's Keep for the storage chest, and also I thought it would have a good length like Watcher's Keep in Baldur's Gate 2: Throne of Bhaal. Oh boy was I wrong. I spent days in Watcher's Keep alone in Throne of Bhaal, and that's just a optional dungeon crawl in the exppack of Baldur's Gate 2. Think I took a day or two to defeat the last boss, Demogorgon, in Watcher's Keep for the first time.
Starfang is a nice sword, till you try modding and creating your own custom modelled weapons. Then it becomes the most irritating weapon ever. Starfang actually has an integer to represent Longswords in the game's database, problem is it can't be overwritten. To see your custom made weapon in-game, you had to disable the entire Warden's Keep DLC, if you don't your weapon will simply show up as Starfang. I spent quite a while trying to solve that problem, then gave up. Bioware wouldn't wanna reply us either. I made these btw, if anyone is curious:
Yeah, I tried making a lightsaber but it wouldn't glow so I gave up.
cw8: I made these btw, if anyone is curious:
Yeah, I tried making a lightsaber but it wouldn't glow so I gave up.

The AW weapon looks great and the lightsaber (lol) is a nice touch, very nice vid, thanks for posting.
Carsomyr's default stats seem a bit overkill though ;)
About the lenght of the DLC's, that's really my only complaint. Every single one of them felt short, and i expect more of the same with Witch Hunt. Also, refurbished areas again.
Post edited August 30, 2010 by Namur
Namur: The AW weapon looks great and the lightsaber (lol) is a nice touch, very nice vid, thanks for posting.
Carsomyr's default stats seem a bit overkill though ;)
About the lenght of the DLC's, that's really my only complaint. Every single one of them felt short, and i expect more of the same with Witch Hunt. Also, refurbished areas again.

Haha, thanks.
Yeah, I've added in another nerfed Carsomyr.
I avoid all DLCs and curse Microsoft and Bethesda for initiating them. I'm a exppack person, which is why I got Awakenings but it turned out to be crap.
Post edited August 30, 2010 by cw8
How is Awakening crap? I loved it, and a lot of the choices and characters are better than the main game's.
cw8: Haha, thanks.
Yeah, I've added in another nerfed Carsomyr.

Ah, i looked at the description and the images the first time around, didn't realized there are 2 files, i see it now ;)
cw8: I avoid all DLCs and curse Microsoft and Bethesda for initiating them. I'm a exppack person, which is why I got Awakenings but it turned out to be crap.

I made an exception for DAO when it comes to DLC's along with a few other exceptions including buying it at full price when it was released. It's the only game i ever bought DLC for and i'm not seeing any other game worthy of similar exceptions anytime soon.
I do buy heavily discounted GOTY editions with DLC in it and whatnot, but that's different.
I did 2 playthroughs of Awakening and enjoyed it, but not in the same way i did DAO. The more i think about it, the more i fiddle with Origins, Awakening and the DLC's the more i realize how good (base) DAO really is.
Pitty that DA2 won't even come close :(
StingingVelvet: How is Awakening crap? I loved it, and a lot of the choices and characters are better than the main game's.

Architect was a let down. Ending's a rush. Gameplay difficulty is a joke even on Nightmare. Exppack is short. Battlemage's Elemental Chaos = I Win Button.
I like the choice where u defend the Keep or the City but that's about it.
StingingVelvet: How is Awakening crap? I loved it, and a lot of the choices and characters are better than the main game's.
cw8: Architect was a let down. Ending's a rush. Gameplay difficulty is a joke even on Nightmare. Exppack is short. Battlemage's Elemental Chaos = I Win Button.
I like the choice where u defend the Keep or the City but that's about it.

I thought the Arcitecht was done very well, and the final choice with him very agonizing. I thought the ending was okay, not amazing but not bad. It took me 20+ hours, which for an expansion is fine and was what was advertised. Never used Elemental Chaos, though the battles were a bit easier than the main game's I guess, but that doesn't make it crap by any means.
Different strokes I guess...
Namur: I did 2 playthroughs of Awakening and enjoyed it, but not in the same way i did DAO. The more i think about it, the more i fiddle with Origins, Awakening and the DLC's the more i realize how good (base) DAO really is.
Pitty that DA2 won't even come close :(

I'm playing DAO for the 3rd time now, seem to like it better than my first.
DA2, I'm sure the people who like action games will like their Dragon Effect aka Dragon Oblivioned aka God of Dragon.
I mean I'm ok with action RPGs. I loved Jade Empire and it's a pure action RPG, but the game's different, it's a standalone game. It was never a spiritual successor to Baldur's Gate or had a prequel that was tactical enough to be the successor to Baldur's Gate.
I got to stop comparing all the new RPGs I'm playing now to Baldur's Gate 2, everything seems to be horrible when compared to it.
StingingVelvet: I thought the Arcitecht was done very well, and the final choice with him very agonizing. I thought the ending was okay, not amazing but not bad. It took me 20+ hours, which for an expansion is fine and was what was advertised. Never used Elemental Chaos, though the battles were a bit easier than the main game's I guess, but that doesn't make it crap by any means.
Different strokes I guess...

I had a argument in another forum with another individual because I thought Loghain was easily forgettable and I said that DAO had no memorable villains with a personality. Then I mentioned that hopefully The Architect would be a better villain than Loghain. Turns out I was wrong again. I was hoping the exppack would add a villain comparable to Irenicus. Think I expect too much and my expectations are way too high for today's standards.
Yeah, the only fun fight I had in the exppack was with the Spectral Dragon. Vanilla DAO was, at most of the fights, more fun and challenging.
Post edited August 30, 2010 by cw8
I actually went into Awakening with low expectations because a lot of the forum members were down on it. I ended up loving it, so it's really a debated expack.
I think the final hours sold me on the whole thing too, I really liked the end sections.
I know I rather enjoyed Awakenings myself, felt like a really good addon that had some interesting new stuff
Trailer for Witch Hunt link
Ties in with the Dalish Elf Origin story.
WFT is that thing on top of the rock ? A strider ?
Delixe: Trailer for Witch Hunt link
Ties in with the Dalish Elf Origin story.

Looks good... kind of sad to see "your warden's final story" since I worry DA:O will be a different game than the ones following, but oh well.
Namur: WFT is that thing on top of the rock ? A strider ?

Sure does look like one.
Suppose I should throw this up here as well as this is were all the (ex) BioWare fans are. Trailer for ME2's Lair of the Shadow Broker link
I would like to know what genius at EA decided to release Witch Hunt and LotSB on the same day... still it will be a busy few days for me it seems.
Post edited September 01, 2010 by Delixe