Magnitus: Ok, but what if the genuine experience is retarded?
Then it's a bad game.
Magnitus: I don't know about you, but I hadn't envision sour thumbs as a positive aspect of my gaming experience.
If anything, I'd blame the game designer for their bad design which forced me to go to such lengths to avoid sour thumbs.
Okay but you're playing a fighting game, it's a genre that necessitates lots of fast button pushing and joystick moving and more importantly it's a genre that started out in the arcades.
What I mean by that is that modern day controllers aren't as well suited for fighting games as an arcade stick would be, it's actually part of the reason why a lot of fighting games allow you to map button combinations to a single button; because it's just not as easy to pull off combos and such with the controller.
A lot of people still prefer the controller and it's becoming much less of an issue as the developers make the games designed around the controller rather than the stick (Mortal Kombat 9, for example, and Street Fighter is the only game I can think of sticking to the 6-button layout instead of the now-standard 4) for the obvious reason that hardly anyone goes to arcades anymore.
If you really enjoy fighting games I'd recommend investing in a good arcade stick. It'd definitely help you avoid sore thumbs for one and pulling off those combos by yourself is
much easier, of course some skill is still required.
After I got one I can't imagine playing fighting games without one; to me it's like the difference between using the plastic guitar in Guitar Hero vs. a standard controller. You have four fingers on the buttons rather than just your thumb and possibly your forefinger and you use your entire hand to manipulate the stick rather than just your thumb.
To each his own, if you still like the controller stick with it but if sore thumbs really kill the experience for you than changing the controller might help out a lot.
Psyringe: Exactly. :) And, as a mature player who knows the difference between genuinely enjoying something and just struggling grimly, shouldn't it be my decision whether I prefer the "genuine" experience, or one that I adapted so that I can actually enjoy it? :)
Of course, which is why I said I don't care, as a mature gamer I understand that how you decide to play the game doesn't affect how I decide to play it (barring multiplayer, of course) and we may be enjoying it on equal levels but from different angles; also a lot of people simply don't have time to play the game fairly or just want to experience the story line as easily as possible so I'm not trying to invalidate cheating just pointing out that from my own experience it was more fun to play within the rules of the game rather than eschewing them.