Posted March 08, 2014
Rohan15: They have them in some European shows, the prime example for me being The IT Crowd. It oddly works for that show.
Not watching that fact all those sitcoms and shows have a big sign *Avoid it* for me and seeing that i am one of those that don't watch commercial tv i follow that sign.
If you are asking what i call commercial tv...we in Germany have our public channels, 19 or 20. Everybody who owns a tv or radio must pay a monthly fee for them regardless if he watches them or not. Advertising on them is strictly restricted and
a no no after 8pm so watching movies without advertising interruption is possible. And than of course there are the
others were you have advertising every few minutes. And i consider my time too precious for watching commercials.
Well, its me :p. Raised in a time were the idea of free will was high (to each his own).