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Potzato: "The Big Bang theory" has a "box o' laughs", I am confident enough for not needing to check (i.e. I am quite sure and I can completely not mind being wrong on that :).
F4LL0UT: So I presume these tickets are for being squeezed into a box and being hit by a sound engineer whenever the producers want you to laugh. And it's one thing that you don't mind being wrong, it's another that you proudly spread false claims out of sheer arrogance and ignorance.
Not to mention there was that Big Bang Theory flash mob video on Youtube.

Now that the joke has been thoroughly ruined, I tend to forget that the laughing is there because I'm not paying attention tot hat.
Potzato: "The Big Bang theory" has a "box o' laughs", I am confident enough for not needing to check (i.e. I am quite sure and I can completely not mind being wrong on that :).
F4LL0UT: So I presume these tickets are for being squeezed into a box and being hit by a sound engineer whenever the producers want you to laugh. And it's one thing that you don't mind being wrong, it's another that you proudly spread false claims out of sheer arrogance and ignorance.
I am sure only robots buy those tickets !
Besides, on the 'ignorance and arrogance' thing I won't even bother to give you a full answer : I warned that I wasn't 100% sure, so you calling me a 'proud liar' on the subject of 'laughs in sitcoms' .... I think your sensibilities are messed up.
Don't worry I am out of here.
justanoldgamer: I don't notice them unless the show is not funny. But if the show is not funny then I won't be watching for long.
I was trying to work out why I find them annoying sometimes but don't notice them in things like Black Books, Blackadder and the IT Crowd and I think you've got it. The things where the laughter track bugs me tend to be things I'm not enjoying anyway. I blame it on the laughter track but really it's probably just me not liking that show.
Potzato: Besides, on the 'ignorance and arrogance' thing I won't even bother to give you a full answer : I warned that I wasn't 100% sure, so you calling me a 'proud liar' on the subject of 'laughs in sitcoms' .... I think your sensibilities are messed up.
My post certainly sounded much worse than it was meant to (and actually I really dislike Big Bang Theory and 99% of all other sitcoms out there). It just kinda blew my mind that first you'd present something as fact, underline your perfect certainty and then actually deny any responsibility in case you were wrong. And no, I didn't call you a liar, I know that you were convinced that there's no live audience.
Just going by past experience (in recent years) it is clear that the true purpose of laugh tracks is to inform the viewers that the show they are watching is cheap crap and they should change channel immediately rather than wasting one more second of their life on that garbage.

It also a means for lazy no talent morons working in the movie industry can inform investors that they have no chance of getting any return so don't even bother trying, but at least we get our salary!
Well, call me a person of poor taste, but I like Big Bang Theory. Sheldon is hilarious. The others are kinda "meh". I know its not canned laughter, but it still isn't great laughter. I think sometimes they pump in laughing gas or they at least augment the laughter. Some of the stuff they laugh at isn't nearly as funny as they act like it is. Of course, if you've ever watched America's Funniest Home Videos, you know that a studio audience can be obnoxious as all hell. The funniest stuff on that show was at most a "Ha" but they laugh at everything like George Carlin or Sam Kinison is performing.
I never had the pleasure of choosing on and off so I can't compare between the same programme. Is it common to have a choice with DVDs and BluRays?

As for the psychological effect I think it's highly dependent on who you're as a person and timing. I won't argue either way but in general they don't bother me and sometimes unnecessary or slightly excessive, both in how often they appear and degree of the laughter.
Post edited March 09, 2014 by Nirth
Most annoying audience is howling housewives that scream their lungs out when the male actor(s) appear, or go wild with cheering after the obligatory morality speech at the end of the show. Step by Step was a prime example.
AFnord: Most people will claim that they don't like laugh tracks, yet they work. People laugh more and find the show more funny (and yes, that probably means that they work on you as well). You need to enjoy the jokes to begin with, but you'll enjoy them more with the laugh tracks on.
And people who claim that laugh tracks don't work on them are fooling themselves as much as people who claim that advertisement don't work on them (which would be most people).
The best would be if they would be optional. So in case you want to have a more native (only you laughing, nobody else laughing) experience of the show it should be possible.

They probably work on me too but from time to time I realize how annoying they can be. Therefore I wish I could turn them off and try without.
Post edited March 10, 2014 by Trilarion
They don't seem to work on me at all. It is like the difference between a game like 'fatal frame' and say 'resident evil 3' where in the former the fear is in the atmosphere while the latter relies more on predictable jump and scare tactics.

Laughter is supposedly like that as well since a laughter track takes from the impressiveness of a specific vignette. That is why I utterly despise it.
Post edited March 10, 2014 by Lionel212008
marsrunner: I think sometimes they pump in laughing gas or they at least augment the laughter.
At least with a live studio audience they are often "warmed up" before the actual show begins, this means, for instance, free beer/alcohol and some brief stand-up act before the real show.
If done right, the audience will laugh at anything at that point.
Lionel212008: They don't seem to work on me at all. It is like the difference between a game like 'fatal frame' and say 'resident evil 3' where in the former the fear is in the atmosphere while the latter relies more on predictable jump and scare tactics.
Hmm, horror movies with a shrieking audience? There's a thought.
If i notice laugh tracks, i absolutely hate them. But then i hate most of the shows which would have laugh tracks added. Canned shallow humor. Worthless junk.

However, hearing the reactions of a live and uncoached audience adds to the immersion. i especially like the occasional boo or taunt. Those often make me laugh. And i love it when the actors respond off-script. i doubt that any shows film in this way anymore. i watch so few nowadays. Too corny and obvious they've become.