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Life is cruel...especially for you wallet :D

Should I get this? I need to decide between dead island and this, since this time I can't get both :/

I haven't actually ever played the first Deus Ex more than an hour maybe, at least I've never finished it, so I'm "new" to this setting. I remember liking the first deus very, very much, though.

But Dead Island...

Or maybe I should just give up and use the money for games to gift here :D
KneeTheCap: Should I get this? I need to decide between dead island and this, since this time I can't get both :/
I would recommended Human Revolution.
KneeTheCap: Life is cruel...especially for you wallet :D

Should I get this? I need to decide between dead island and this, since this time I can't get both :/

I haven't actually ever played the first Deus Ex more than an hour maybe, at least I've never finished it, so I'm "new" to this setting. I remember liking the first deus very, very much, though.

But Dead Island...

Or maybe I should just give up and use the money for games to gift here :D
I'm thinking it's going to be more about your personal taste. Deus Ex looks like it's more polished than Dead Island will be. It also will have more character development and getting to know characters. Dead Island seems more instant gratification action focused than a solid story.

Apples to oranges in my mind. Deus Ex: HR is my favorite game in a long time.

Although, gifting is always nice. You could always buy Deus Ex: HR on sale (seen it for as low as $28 on PC already) and then use the spare change for giveaways. :)
Post edited August 29, 2011 by csmith
KneeTheCap: Life is cruel...especially for you wallet :D

Should I get this? I need to decide between dead island and this, since this time I can't get both :/

I haven't actually ever played the first Deus Ex more than an hour maybe, at least I've never finished it, so I'm "new" to this setting. I remember liking the first deus very, very much, though.

But Dead Island...

Or maybe I should just give up and use the money for games to gift here :D
IDK about Dead Island but DXHR is amazing. This is a real Deus Ex game. The boys and girls at Eidos Montreal clearly knew what they were doing when they worked on this.

Of course I can't say the same for Thi4f yet, but I have at least a glimmer of hope that it will not disappoint.
I personally don't mind the boss fights. Do I think they're bad in HR, gameplay-wise yes.

However, if they had provided multiple means to deal with boss fights, such as not having to fight them, or dealing with them like you can just about every other situation in DE:HR, I think the boss fights would've been fine.

There's actually a lot of really cool atmospheric stuff going on in the boss fights, I just wish they had been just as interesting on a gameplay standpoint. Oh well. Still though, this game's great.
couple days ago.. I was in a bossfight.. It wasn't so bad.. Couple of timesI got my ass handed to me. There was bossfights in original and also then, they were must do, Still, loving the game.. Like that one steam-system says "I'm freaking old school"
Finished the game a couple days ago and didn't have internet to report on it. All in all it was very good, but shy of excellent. I am not sure how it compares to the original honestly, there is too much nostalgia going on there for me to make a real comparison anytime soon. I will say that DX:HR is probably the most faithful modern update of any old game series to date. Here are some random ups and downs:

+ Good missions, nice storyline with great political and philosophical commentary, good use of FMV... all around good presentation.

+ Faithful to the narrative linearity yet completely non-linear gameplay style of the original. More faithful to the source material than any other sequel I can think of to an old series.

+ Dialog is excellent, as is the written information in emails and such.

+ Side quests are more detailed and interesting than they were in the original, and in most games of this type.

- Two city hubs down from three in the previous two games. They're bigger, sure, but to only have two cities and then backtrack through them a second time feels cheap. Would have been relatively easy to cut the return trips and make Montreal into a real hub.

- Too stealth focused. I like stealth, I played it stealthy, but people complaining the game is too stealth focused are not wrong. The original did not punish an action path as much as HR does.

- AI is really stupid. Tons of times I had a pile of 10 bodies somewhere because I just kept shooting people in the head when they came to check on their dead buddy. Also, related to that, the pistol is incredibly overpowered.

- Hacking is way to frequent and gets annoying after a while. It's a good mini-game compared to most, but doing it literally 100+ times got really grating. On my second playthrough right now and despite wanting to avoid hacking as much as possible it is still necessary way too often.

- Should have been an aug at the end of the energy tree that allowed all energy pips to recharge.

- Too easy to max out a particular character path quickly. In my second playthrough I had pretty much everything I needed before leaving Detroit, both in augs and weapons, for a ghost playthrough. That makes earning xp and exploring pretty pointless later on.

- Game looks too soft somehow. I know they were going for a different look than typical cyberpunk, but cyberpunk is not that common and therefore it didn't really need a shakeup in my opinion. The FMVs look a lot better, darker and more cyberpunk, but the in-game graphics don't work for me, especially indoors.

All in all I really liked the game but I think a lot of the "OMG BEST GAME EVER" comments come from people being literally amazed at how much this feels like a Deus Ex game. I agree that it's a wonderful thing this is a real DX sequel (or prequel), but that doesn't blind me to the flaws in it. The game is both very gratifying in that it is a real Deus Ex game and that's awesome, but also somewhat disappointing in that it is a flawed game on many minor levels that hurt the experience as a whole. Also I got the stutter bug, so whenever the game loads assets it stutters like a motherfucker for like 5 full seconds. Irritating.

Still, at the end of the day I spent close to 40 hours playing the game and very much enjoyed it. I am so happy this style of game is getting another AAA release and I am already halfway through a second go as a ghost who never kills, and I rarely if ever start a game again right after finishing it. I like the game a lot, I just don't love it, and that bums me out. Might be GOTY by default though, unless Skyrim is much improved from Oblivion.
Good game even if graphics are not cutting edge

Seen at friend's house yesterday.

Decided to get the "Augmented Edition" from Amazon (only place that seems to have it at a reasonable price)

If you settle for the "standard" one you can get it for about 30 euros at Blah or 34 euros ,including shipping,from so that maybe you can get also Dead Island


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Post edited September 02, 2011 by picchioabbio
For those of you in Europe, how much does the Collector's Edition cost? I want to get a copy, but people on eBay are really knocking up the price.
lowyhong: For those of you in Europe, how much does the Collector's Edition cost? I want to get a copy, but people on eBay are really knocking up the price.
Over here roughly 80 euros now, at least in webshops.
lowyhong: For those of you in Europe, how much does the Collector's Edition cost? I want to get a copy, but people on eBay are really knocking up the price.
~ £90-100 The PC version seems to have been released in very limited quantities hence the price gouging. have it listed from private sellers at £250.
Antimateria: couple days ago.. I was in a bossfight.. It wasn't so bad.. Couple of timesI got my ass handed to me. There was bossfights in original and also then, they were must do, Still, loving the game.. Like that one steam-system says "I'm freaking old school"
The boss fights in the original were avoidable. You could, for example, run away from Anna Navarre if you didn't have her killphrase.

The boss fights remind me of System Shock 2's, somehow - if you don't have decent combat skills, you're screwed when you go up against the Many; fighting SHODAN is insane if you don't have hacking skills (I don't recall if it's even possible to defeat her without hacking skills, since I played as a hacker/fighter). My feelings towards the boss fights are mixed. On one hand, I like being able to deal with Barrett and Yelena with multiple ways. OTOH they just feel out of place, like "hey let's give the players a boss fight for absolutely no reason at all".
Smannesman: Over here roughly 80 euros now, at least in webshops.
Delixe: ~ £90-100 The PC version seems to have been released in very limited quantities hence the price gouging. have it listed from private sellers at £250.
Damn okay thanks... Play's price is a bit too steep for my blood.

Smannesman, do you have any links? I can't afford 100 quid, but 80 euros seems reasonable...
Post edited September 04, 2011 by lowyhong
lowyhong: Smannesman, do you have any links? I can't afford 100 quid, but 80 euros seems reasonable...
Ok, not sure how much help it will be though:
Salland Automatisering

Looks like I should've bought more than 1 copy, usually when I buy a collector's edition they end up in the bargain bins.
Funny how easuily people jump on the bandwagon. I got SO much shit for saying I thought Invisable War was better than DE, and now everyone is going nuts for DEHR. "OOOoo00, Shiny graphics! Me want!".

People are so fucking hypocritical.
lowyhong: On one hand, I like being able to deal with Barrett and Yelena with multiple ways. OTOH they just feel out of place, like "hey let's give the players a boss fight for absolutely no reason at all".
By curiosity what are the "multiple ways", apart from killing them I haven't find any other way to dispatch them.

Luckily, even with my "stealth"-stunt gun using character they are dispatcher in something like 10 seconds (Typhoon -> Cereal -> Typhoon -> cereal -> Typhoon -> boss-dead)