Once upon a time I was a small person, oh, maybe 7ish. Back when dinosaurs roamed the earth and we had to bash rocks together to make fire, which was scary, cause fire bad.
Well, in those days, I went down to see my aunt and uncle who lived a long distance away, about a 4 hour drive by fintstonemobile. I went with my mother, father, and two siblings. There we had a pretty neat campout with sleeping bags and when Christmas morning came along, we each got our own sports-themed teen-aged mutant ninja turtle. Needless to say, it was pretty sweet. I got the Leonardo hockey one, with slap-shot action.
Good times.
Were I to want any of those, it would be SimCity via Steam, I am something of a strategy person.
Post edited December 09, 2012 by Steepmountain