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Please... no console games on GoG... Just PC, I'll download old games on my console for my console and old PC games for my PC.
PhoenixWright: Please don't perceive me as being particularly attached to this point, because I am not as confident as my original post suggested.

Objection accepted Phoenix !
Ois: Considering the popularity of roms, this should of been capitalised on long ago. Or at least after the systems support/life-span.
I'm still convinced that getting old console games to PCs would be a great thing. There is hardly any alternative on this platform. And as far as my limited view sees it, there is a big untapped market. Hell, I'd buy plenty of stuff from the 8 and 16 bit era, but I'm not buying another $xhundred machine to do so.
As a PC player, I'm stuck with PC games (Or e-bay for old carts). Not that that is bad, but the options could be so much better.

It's hardly worth it for the console makers. There are enough people buying such games on the Wii and Xbox platforms to make it worthwhile for them. I imagine that the cross-section of the gaming that loves old console games but doesn't have a new console is pretty small. Giving legitimacy to the "Romulator" movement for very little material gain would be fairly pointless.
For GOG, I would rather they work on expanding their PC titles.
cogadh is correct.
It wouldn't work. An interested party might as well download the roms and/or ISOs, buy them from eBay (at least the buyer owns the items) or for a short time horizon, overpay to rent them from the Wiistore, PSN or XBLA.
Post edited June 10, 2009 by gamebin
Whatever platform has the other platform to thank for whatever, many oldschool console games simply don't exist on PC legally, except perhaps on GameTap. I want my Castlevania!
gamebin: An interested party might as well download the roms and/or ISOs

gamebin: It wouldn't work. An interested party might as well download the roms and/or ISOs

You could say the same about the DOS and Windows games on GOG. All of them are readily available from various illegal sources; the Windows games typically lack GOG's fixes, of course, but some people have actually uploaded torrents of GOG's installers for this very reason.
Piracy is always a readily available option for any digital entertainment medium (it can even be is quicker and less of a hassle than the legal route because there is no DRM for pirates), but GOG's success has shown that there are plenty of people willing to do the right thing and buy great games rather than just pirating them. I can't see how this would be any different for console games.
It isn't really any different, that's why the various consoles are selling old games through their respective download stores. The point is, should GOG really be dedicating any time to getting console games that people can already get through other legal means when there are far too many classic PC games they currently can't get through legal means? Personally I think they should continue to focus solely on the PC games for the time being.
If they keep releasing games at the same pace, Gog has enough material for a good decade. It s way too early to worry about providing others services.
gamebin: It wouldn't work. An interested party might as well download the roms and/or ISOs
Arkose: You could say the same about the DOS and Windows games on GOG. All of them are...

I agree with what you wrote, except, the last portion: "I can't see how this would be any different for console games."
The PC and console markets are different. Console makers and programmers work under more controlled market conditions, so console titles on GoG will not happen in the foreseeable future. "The Big Three" are not going to give up an additional source of their income because they already provide their own services and will not allow DRM-free downloads anywhere. Other economic, psychological and marketing factors do apply, but I only listed two simple ones.
Post edited June 13, 2009 by gamebin
Where do you draw the line
We can have Cannon Fodder here but we get a inferior version to the CD32
Also DOS Zool 2 if we get that we are also stuck with less than Amiga had to offer.
What console or online services has Alien Vs. Predator up for grabs.... and I mean ALIEN no not Aliens vs. Predator.
The emulation for the original AVP is weak at best and going PC is clearly inferior in the other two games. I rather get a few obscure console games on this site. The ones that where better than the PC equivalents or that are on obscure poorly emulated systems. (CD-i, 3DO, Jaguar, CD32, CD-TV) they all had at least a couple good games despite the lack of solid libraries, or in the case of the Amiga systems just not much market penetration in North America.
I do not care how those programming the emulators are motivated to keep doing what they are doing but a little support from a site like this one I am sure will not hurt.
I think more of you need to look both beyond the walls or your boxes and your own personal biases and simply see what is really there and what could be.
Its not a question of bias, it is about what will get us the most bang for our buck. Why waste time and resources trying to get a few obscure console games and supporting more types of emulation when we could get much more in the long run if they simply maintained their focus solely on the PC market? There are enough PC games out there that we all really want that could keep GOG busy enough for years to come. Look at it this way: if they have the chance to get System Shock 2 out to us, but can't because they already have too many people working on some really obscure CD32 titles, I for one would be pretty pissed, and there are at least 6000 other GOG members that would feel the same way.
I also think that GOG should focus on PC games, I mean, their slogan is "Your source for DRM-Free PC Classics." Still, someday down the road, I wouldn't have any problem with a small console game section. I think it would be really awesome to have ALL the old games I used to love and play all in the same place, just so long as GOG still stays focused on PC games. Still, I think right now their biggest concern is just getting out of Beta, it will be a long time before any branching out's going to happen.