Ois: Considering the popularity of roms, this should of been capitalised on long ago. Or at least after the systems support/life-span.
I'm still convinced that getting old console games to PCs would be a great thing. There is hardly any alternative on this platform. And as far as my limited view sees it, there is a big untapped market. Hell, I'd buy plenty of stuff from the 8 and 16 bit era, but I'm not buying another $xhundred machine to do so.
As a PC player, I'm stuck with PC games (Or e-bay for old carts). Not that that is bad, but the options could be so much better.
It's hardly worth it for the console makers. There are enough people buying such games on the Wii and Xbox platforms to make it worthwhile for them. I imagine that the cross-section of the gaming that loves old console games but doesn't have a new console is pretty small. Giving legitimacy to the "Romulator" movement for very little material gain would be fairly pointless.
For GOG, I would rather they work on expanding their PC titles.