Jadefalcon: Some sort of moderation of the wishlist would be nice.
1. Get rid of games listed that are already on GOG.
2. Merge duplicates (Do we really need Ultima7, Ultima 7:The Black Gate, Ultima 7 Deluxe etc) you get the idea.
3. Delete obvious stupidity. People that vote for new games like the latest Prince of Persia or Mass Effect 2 for instance.
4. Get rid of fakes. There are obvious games there in the list that don't even exist like Freelancer 2.
Yes, a moderator who will check all queries and post the resulting game available for voting. Something like that.
So we have a two stage process:
1. Pre-clearance (where moderator checks for existence and uniqueness of the game)
2. Actual voting (where registered users could put their votes for the desired game)
And we can get a picture with a list of about 100 games available and thousand pending requests for preliminary check.