Posted December 01, 2013
lugum: It's all about saying the right words, its like the how to pick up a woman course. Say the right words and they will melt, and you don't even have to be a looker.
Doing criminal stuff, also takes money, alot. i can have all the social skills in the world or not it does not matter, but if you say to someone here have $100k and get me that password, then the other person could care less who he is dealing with and he will do it.
carnival73: Well, that's true - You can pay someone else to scam for you but no matter how much $ you have it won't save the person when attempting to charm (if they're target isn't superficial I'm meaning - most chics will be your girlfriend ((or even wife)) for six months for 60 grand. ) Doing criminal stuff, also takes money, alot. i can have all the social skills in the world or not it does not matter, but if you say to someone here have $100k and get me that password, then the other person could care less who he is dealing with and he will do it.
I am broke as what but if i wanted i am sure i could talk 90% into bed if i wanted.