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All-new Witcher 3 gameplay trailer, pre-orders launch; unveils GOG Galaxy, the DRM-Free Online Gaming platform!

All-new The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt gameplay footage, pre-order details, and a look at the exclusive content of the collector's edition. unveils its upcoming new project taking a next step in the DRM-Free gaming revolution. All that and more in the CD Projekt RED & Summer Conference. Watch it right here!
Post edited June 04, 2014 by G-Doc
Hey guys! Sorry if this has been asked already, but any idea if Galaxy will support cloud saves? That's been one of my minor frustrations with all my GOG purchases in the past, as I'm back and forth between places with a laptop and a desktop, having to sync those files frequently is a teensy inconvenience I'd love to see this client remove. Thanks so much for all your work pushing DRM free gaming, I very much appreciate it!
kroc: A client, really? Code that doesn't need to be written IMO. I don't like that I have to run Steam and UPlay sometimes and this is yet more to slow my machine down :/

Copying everybody else is a sure way to become irrelevant. More focus on making older games playable out of the box please!
It's optional. Therefore, it won't slow your machine down at all...
ThermioN: What about people pre-ordering TW 3, but who already own Neverwinter Nights?
Same question. I hope we get a response soon. I certainly would consider pre-ordering The Witcher 3 if it would be another game I'm interested but I don't have yet.
kroc: A client, really? Code that doesn't need to be written IMO. I don't like that I have to run Steam and UPlay sometimes and this is yet more to slow my machine down :/
Have they said anything regarding Divinity Original Sin pre orders?
low rated
real.geizterfahr: O
For now. It always goes the same way with any such software. Mark my words.
The optional client seems to be a good move.

Give the people what they want. Then make it optional so that those relics that find all this social gaming stuff ludicrous and like to patch their games manually can keep quiet.

So, let's have a drink to the future in hope that the client stays optional!
kellzap: Great announcements! Wild Hunt looks bad ass and I may be per-ordering it. But I'm even more excited for GOG Galaxy!!! I've downloaded and back up all of my games, and I would love to use it for easier organization. (Any dates for release?)

But, I'm extremely disappointed that there was no mention on GOG's endeavors with Linux, since we haven't heard anything about it since March.
Fallen_Zen: We're not forgetting Linux guys. We'll be giving more info later this year.
Galaxy is being done with PC, Mac and Linux in mind.
Auto-updating, better multiplayer support and upcoming Linux support...

Christmas came early this year :).

Keep up being awesome!
Having watched the video again, I'm trying to figure out how exactly the advertised "Cross-play" feature is meant to work. Am I to understand that GOG Galaxy will come with a free API (similar to Steamworks) for developers to take advantage of?
kellzap: Great announcements! Wild Hunt looks bad ass and I may be per-ordering it. But I'm even more excited for GOG Galaxy!!! I've downloaded and back up all of my games, and I would love to use it for easier organization. (Any dates for release?)

But, I'm extremely disappointed that there was no mention on GOG's endeavors with Linux, since we haven't heard anything about it since March.
Fallen_Zen: We're not forgetting Linux guys. We'll be giving more info later this year.
Galaxy is being done with PC, Mac and Linux in mind.
Yay!! I'm glad to see some reassurance, since I'm gonna be making the switch soon. I can't wait!! Keep up the awesome work!! :D
kroc: A client, really? Code that doesn't need to be written IMO. I don't like that I have to run Steam and UPlay sometimes and this is yet more to slow my machine down :/

Copying everybody else is a sure way to become irrelevant. More focus on making older games playable out of the box please!
yyahoo: It's optional. Therefore, it won't slow your machine down at all...
What he/she said and...Consider, all you'd need to do is load it up briefly for updates across all your games, close it and not have it burdening any of your hardware. This is a purely optional convenience, everything sounds like it's to be opt-in, not opt-out, as is the case with many other similar clients and services.
will the client replace the downloader, or will it still be supported?
No news about any old game releases ?

I am beyond excited for The Witcher 3, and cannot wait to see what Galaxy has in store. I love you CD Projekt RED and, I really do!
So the Collector's Edition will be avaliable for everybody? Because it seems its only for Scandinavia, Poland and Germany right now