langurmonkey: Well I find personal responsibility and honor to be extremely important in this world. Imagine, you are a feminist, and said women should have the same rights as men and I said no, women should be the slaves of men. I imagine, you would start to feel hate for me. And depending on your morals or personality, you will start insulting me even though we are on an internet gaming forum. Human nature.
Human nature? I guess i'm not human then. I don't hate people for having different beliefs than me, let alone insult them. You know why? Because i'm a rational being, i respect different opinions. Isn't this exactly what a democracy is about?
But anyway, keep going on your hate crusade. If you need to use a gaming forum to unleash your rage because you're a fucking loser in real life, please keep doing it.
langurmonkey: Then I will stop writing in this thread. You will get no more entertainment here from me.