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It's middle of the summer vacations, so the pace has slowed down a bit. Well, looking at all the promos we're running and the recent releases you can't really say it's "silly season" at, but you know what we mean. We decided to take a more in-depth look at the games we've released, especially the ones from Electronic Arts, and chat with some of the developers that made those classics.

Thanks to our own Silencer - Vagabond - we got in touch with Tony Zurovec, the lead designer of Crusader games, and asked him some questions about these awesome classics. As we love getting you involved in pretty much everything we do, we'd like you to ask your questions about Crusader: No Remorse to Tony. We'll pick 5 most interesting ones and forward them to him to get the answers, while the authors of those questions will receive a game of their choice(this includes the awesome The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings!). Post your questions in the comments section until end of Sunday, July 24th.
Hi Tony! First, thanks for stealing so many hours of my young adulthood with your amazing games. Now, for my question: How would you feel if Electronic Arts decided to "reboot" the Crusader series as a console FPS. This has recently happened to X-Com through 2k and seems to have upset quite a few X-com fans. Though Crusader was not a tactical strategy game like X-Com, it is an isometric shooter, and I really couldn't see it as anything else. If EA did decide to reboot the series as something else, what do you think your response would be?
I wanna know if he could "convince" or "advise" EA/etc to allow Vagabond's extras to be ok'd to be added to the game extras downloads.
Mr. Zurovec

As a veteran game designer, do you feel that the classic style of isometric action like in No Remorse does have a place in the "modern" market? Because I belive that games of the previous era as it were, have so much more substance and pride put into them, and that games in the same style as No Remorse deserve a place in the modern market, as anyone who was making them would have to put alot more work and pride into a project as the graphical style would probably be the first thing to come under scurtiny.

(Oh and thank you to you and your team for creating such a lasting classic, which I can still enjoy to this day xD)
What made you choose the name "Crusader: No Remorse" as opposed to say "Mujahideen: No Remorse" or something more denomination-neutral, like "Holy Warrior: No Remorse"?
When you started thinking about what game you wanted to make, what made you choose the story and setting for the game and did these effect the genre you chose or was the genre the starting point and the story and setting based around that?
Post edited July 20, 2011 by ShogunDarius
Hi Tony,

I was just wondering, how many things had to be left out of C:NR due to time, budget, or hardware constraints? How close is the final product to your initial vision? And is there anything that you really wish you could have put in the game that, for some reason, never made it in?

*edit*- this can be taken as a general question about all the games you have developed, not just C:NR! =)
Post edited July 20, 2011 by Mycaelus
How do you feel about companies like GOG preserving your work for future preservation and for the new gamers to enjoy who missed out on it the first time?
Where did the idea for Crusader: No Remose, i.e. the gameplay, story, setting, come from? Meaning, are there any particular movies, books or games that made you think "this would be great stuff for a computer game"?
Here's a good one: what in the world inspired you to use the Ultima 8 engine for a high-action shooter?
Was the starting idea similar to the final product? How much from what was originally envisioned changed?

The indie game development community seems to be taking off. What are your thoughts on a team creating a sort of tribute game?
Post edited July 20, 2011 by compelx
Crusader was released in 1995, is there anything you wanted to change since its release? How do you feel that this game is still so well received in 2011?
Hi Tony,

Are there any chances to bring this franchise back to life? I would love to play a new title from this series running in a modern engine.
ceeker: I'm actually curious as to where you ended up after Crusader - I haven't seen any projects with your name branded on it since. What have you been up to? Are you still involved with the games industry at all?
I have zero connection to him, but I did stumble across one of his projects a few years ago. There's a blog linked, although updates are infrequent.
So, seriously, what did happen to Owens? ...

If you think the name Crusader might be a market limiter for any subsequent games just lose it. The games were always the 'No' games to me anyway. No Remorse, No Regret, No Mercy, No Bananas Today, No Prisoners, No Future --- No Future,

Howabout an Ipad port? As I recall it No Mercy was rumored to be for a handheld
Jollyrigger: Hi Tony,

Crusader: No Remorse was different from other games. If the current market allowed it, would you consider remaking Crusader: No Remorse, using modern technology?
Quoted because it's my question too! And because I'd love a 1st or 3rd person HD remake of both Crusader games, I loved them, but I'm too embarrassed to admit how old I was in 95 and played them!
Post edited July 20, 2011 by On2wheels