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It's middle of the summer vacations, so the pace has slowed down a bit. Well, looking at all the promos we're running and the recent releases you can't really say it's "silly season" at, but you know what we mean. We decided to take a more in-depth look at the games we've released, especially the ones from Electronic Arts, and chat with some of the developers that made those classics.

Thanks to our own Silencer - Vagabond - we got in touch with Tony Zurovec, the lead designer of Crusader games, and asked him some questions about these awesome classics. As we love getting you involved in pretty much everything we do, we'd like you to ask your questions about Crusader: No Remorse to Tony. We'll pick 5 most interesting ones and forward them to him to get the answers, while the authors of those questions will receive a game of their choice(this includes the awesome The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings!). Post your questions in the comments section until end of Sunday, July 24th.
Oh, uh, I bought the game while ago and I haven't played it much yet since I haven't figured out controls yet, but it seems awesome and music at least is awesome, so since there is still unique chance to ask questions, I figured out I should!

...Of course, I can't figure out any questions since I haven't played the game much and don't know much about the series ^^; I'll just makes ones up...

Umm... Is there any game with similar gameplay/awesome music as this game? Also, is it strange that The Silencer reminds me of the Boba Fett(sp?) design wise, at least the helmet? Also, does the series have any chances of reviving? What do you think of using FMV(that was the live actor thing, right?) in video game cutscenes? Should they be ever used in modern games? I'd ask something about intro animation too, but i can't figure anything up.
Okay, I "ll aks the most important question that nobody bothered to ask

Are you guys ever going to release crusader:no regret on gog?

(P.s:If you liked crusader then vote for its sequel as well on the gog wishlist)
- Why red? To make blood stains invisible comes to my mind but I think it's not it...

- While designing Crusader No Remorse, the No Regret was a "maybe" or a "sure thing"?

- Do you miss those days at Origin?

- Did Crusader changed your life/career in a significant way?

- What do you do now?
So, i remember having some newsletter in the game box back then. What was that SHODAN reference in there all about?
Also, what happened to Crusader: No Mercy?
Why the player character never speaks? What was the real reason for this design decision?
Hello! I was a big fan of the games back in the day. Would love to see a new entry to the franchise.

Few questions:

I remember reading about No Mercy (in some magazine, maybe?) back then. How much of it, if any, was completed before the plug was pulled?

The awesomely cheesy FMV clips are something I remember fondly, especially Weasel's parts. What ended up happening to him, both the character and the actor?

In No Remorse's opening cinema the main character is scanned by a mech, but unlike the other Silencers is unable to get any information out of him. Was this an attempt to make the player feel like he was the main character, or was there a story-related reason to this?

When was the last time you played through the games yourself? Do/did you still find them fun to play?
Sorry if this has been asked before, 8 pages is a lot of backlog and I could have missed it but:

If you (either the original team or a new team of your choosing) were to remake Crusader what are the main things you'd change, if any, to make the game even better?

Also random bonus question: do you have a 'dream team' of people you'd like to work with, either on this hypothetical remake or a whole new project entirely?


(Edited for clarity & to correct some mistakes)
Post edited July 21, 2011 by tomdelada
After playing "Crusader - No Remorse" and "Crusader - No Regret" - the next chapter is obviously "Crusader - The Musical" on Broadway.

I am sure everyone would want to know - who would you cast to play the Silencer, and what songs would you choose to advance the plot.

Could we finally see the sensitive side to Silencer as he finds a romantic interest - maybe a Mrs Silencer?
Post edited July 21, 2011 by
- I always wondered about the motivations of the Silencer. Surely he's a rebel, I don't think any would doubt that after two games. But are his motivations pure? Is he only fueled by revenge or has he genuinely taken to the cause of the Resistance and also wants to do "the right thing"?

- Dr. Hoffmann left it open in No Remorse whether or not the Captain was genetically engineered. Was any future story line developing on this? Or is there a definitive answer from the creators we have never seen?

- Why is the armour red? The Silencer is a one man army that needs to perform many tasks. He can storm a beach by his own but also should be able to do a stealth approach. A red armour won't exactly help with that. Of course the reason could simply be "because it looked awesome", no argument there!

- What is the survivability of the Silencer in his suit? I figure that he needs to eat, drink and pee like the rest of us. Is the suit just armour or has it some form of life support built in? And is it perfectly sealed to protect against NBC threats and vacuum to some degree (we know the Silencer needs a radiation shield to survive heavy radiation, but what about basic NBC protection, even Stormtroopers are supposed to have that).

- Did ever main Rebel character die in Echo Base or did some escape? Mainly pertaining to Yo-Yo and Weasel as Brooks mentioned "before she [Vargas] shot him [Wizard]", however that might be a general comment just assuming he is dead since the base was raided. But since the transmission came from Brooks after visiting the base it's possible she found his body.
What made you decide to go with the isometric view instead of, let's say, tpp view?
Post edited July 21, 2011 by christianknight
In the first game Red blew up the Vigilance Platform, kick ass! The second game he caused havoc on the WEC moon base, awesome! In the third ga...wait what? No third game?! >_< That was my disappointment many years ago and still is...

I know that the Crusader series was supposed to be five games, but only two were ever released. As the second game ended in cliff hanger, I wish to know the synopsis of the unreleased titles so I can visualize the prefect game franchise story line in my mind. Thanks :)
I've got two questions:

- Are there any chances for Crusader: No Remorse HD and Crusader: No Regret HD?
- Can we hope for the new part in the near/far future? Crusader were and are great games, would love to play new Crusader game.
Was the eery similarity of the Silencer armor with everyone's favorite bounty hunter Bobba Fett a conscious and deliberate choice?
This is a bit of an odd one, that needs a bit of background info.

A few years after I beat the Basil Almighty out of the first game I stumbled onto the strategy guide in a used bookstore. Normally useless when the game has already been beaten more times than can be counted it was the fluff inside that caught my eye and got a purchase out of me.

Now what we see in the game itself it would be perfect Paul Verhoeven material; cheese and plenty of action. Naturally since I'm a fan of the game I approved wholeheartedly.

The Crusader material in the guide was a different kettle of fish. Multiple essays on how the world got to the point of the WEC becomming the better option, a timeline involving factions that we never hear from in game, the subtlety in the storytelling as highlighted by yourself at the end of the guide (ie, where the player fills in the blanks on why the Silencer defected, whether or not he's a clone, etc). It seemed to me that before Real Life issues canned the series it was shaping up to be something massive and I for one would have loved to have seen more of this info appear in game.

So my question is ('FINALLY!' I hear you say): What were the ultimate ideals for the Crusader mythos? There's enough info behind the scenes to make a damn impressive RPG or a wide-spanning tactical strategy game.
Post edited July 21, 2011 by TheBard
(Non english speaker, I'll do my best)

It's obvious that the Crusader games are timeless classics that in terms of aesthetics and gameplay don't feel aged. Considering this I ask:

-Wich featture are you most proud of?
-Wich elements you feel that are predecessors or inspirations for later games? Can you give examples?