Neobr10: I just played the campaign for a few hours, what an amazing game. I'm very impressed. Like Soviet said, Chief and Cortana hame some personality. Also the story-telling is more mature.
The graphics are amazing, it's easily the most beautiful game on the Xbox 360, and maybe on any console. I'm amazed at how far they managed to push a 7 years old hardware. It's better than most PC games around.
It's probably the best game i have played this year.
I still haven't tried the multiplayer mode, though.
Halo 4 is epic so far. I agree with the graphics, as well Ubisoft really showed how much juice they could squeeze out with Assassin's Creed 3 (which I may go back to playing now that I've played me some Halo, not because Halo is bad, but because AC3 is downright amazing).
I haven't tried multiplayer but I'm sure it'll be Halo multiplayer, fun and fast, with all the things that make Halo Halo.
So far it's downright gorgeous and fun, good story so far too.
Randalator: I don't own a console, obviously there is no point in buying Halo 4 today or tomorrow or any other day thereafter. Also there's roughly a metric fuckton of superior shooters on the PC, so I wouldn't buy it even if there was a PC port.
Having played a lot of PC shooters released this year... exactly which ones are better? Spec Ops I wouldn't really qualify as a shooter, but it was of excellent quality. The rest were... really meh, Max Payne 3? Serious Sam 3? BF3? The not-quite-released-yet Black Ops II? I can't speak for the last one, but aside from Spec Ops, the rest were really mediocre.
In the history of gaming? Sure, there's better shooters. In 2012... umm, Halo 4... maybe by itself.... unless Far Cry 3 turns out amazing as well.
Theta_Sigma: Question, is the game both discs or is one bonus stuff? I wanted to know so if it's both I'll install both discs to my Xbox when I do.
Neobr10: I think it's both discs. It just says "disc 1" and "disc 2" on the DVD, if there was a bonus disc i guess it would be labeled as a bonus disc.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's the rest of the campaign. AC3 put multiplayer on the second disc. RDR GOTY does this too. Dunno what's on the second Halo 4 disc, it didn't say, but if I had to guess: more campaign.