Posted October 29, 2012
Teremei: Ive copied 2 games (please understand I didn't pirate these games I just named a quick short temp name to test)
torins passage is in sdcard/warez/torin
when I first start dosbox turbo sdcard is automatically mounted so I just cd to warez and then cd to torin then run torin.exe. I got this game cannot be run from dos mode.
When I do King's Quest 7 there is an additional kq7 folder in the kq7 folder so I cd to that and run sierra.exe. I get the cannot find 999.pal resource file. Yes I bought these games here at gog and just copied the entire torin folder to my nexus 7. I assume I did it correctly. So what is the 999.pal problem and how is it fixed so I can play these games on my nexus 7 tablet? Would absolutely prefer to play these gems while at work.
Alfie3000: did you mount the disc image files first? torins passage is in sdcard/warez/torin
when I first start dosbox turbo sdcard is automatically mounted so I just cd to warez and then cd to torin then run torin.exe. I got this game cannot be run from dos mode.
When I do King's Quest 7 there is an additional kq7 folder in the kq7 folder so I cd to that and run sierra.exe. I get the cannot find 999.pal resource file. Yes I bought these games here at gog and just copied the entire torin folder to my nexus 7. I assume I did it correctly. So what is the 999.pal problem and how is it fixed so I can play these games on my nexus 7 tablet? Would absolutely prefer to play these gems while at work.
imgmount D C:/warez/torin/torin.dat -t iso
or however you set it up. Look a GOG's dosbox config and copy that. You should be trying to imgmount the ".dat" , ".inst" or ".gog" files the first two are renamed .cue's the other is a renamed .bin
However, me and another GOG user have found a problem with Dosbox Turbo and games from GOG. It doesn't mount the games what have the music ripped into music files instead of being part of the disc image.