ThoRn: Can't do that until you die and see for yourself. Likewise I'm in the same boat as you. But unlike you, I'm not folding my cards and giving up my faith to play Russian roulette with my soul. The odds of losing are too great to do such a foolish thing.
You're still playing Russian roulette no matter how you slice it.
Combining Pascal's wager and the alien tangent, what if God was some Lovecraftian horror who sends everyone whose favorite color is green to Heaven, everyone who hates waffles to Hell and everyone else to put on a production of Cats for all eternity?
Why is it that the choices are:
1)Christian Heaven/Hell
and not
1)Christian Heaven/Hell
3)Green Heaven/ Waffle Hell/Cats
5)Just Heaven, for everybody
6)Just Hell, for everybody
So you say "I'm not playing Russian Roulette with my soul." I guess you're right since the chance of dieing is only 1 in 6 in most cases.
In this case it's more like we're at the world's biggest gun show. You can choose any gun you want and you can switch your gun with any other kind whenever you want, but when you walk out you have to shoot yourself with your firearm. One kind of gun is unloaded but only those who've left the building ever really know and they're not allowed back in to tell anyone else. See? Way different from Russian Roulette, here your chance of dieing is more like 999 in 1,000. The odds were against you from the beginning.
Sorry, I had to say it, binary thinking annoys the crap out of me.
mystikmind2000: Starting to understand why people believe so strongly in Evolution, although i don't see why it deserves such high credibility given the evidence,,, Noted that Evolution does seem to steel allot of credibility because of the weaknesses in creationism but i don't think that way, i judge things on their own merits.
I can't honestly believe you've made any serious effort if that's the conclusion you've come to.