Conrad57: The problem is not that people refuse to acknowledge the miraculous nature of resurrection, but that you refuse to look at the evidence that a miracle ever happened.
DrYaboll: OK, let me see the evidence that it has actually happened.
....and no, some book in which someone wrote about this is not evidence. Anyone can write a book.
(considering how big the universe is, it seems highly unlikely that Earth is the only inhabited blanet).
There was a time when not just anyone could write a book. If you look at the archeological evidence, it's blatantly clear that this was not one person writing a book. As I said in an earlier post, no, wait, I accidentally lost that before posting, the Bible is a small library and should not be looked as as merely one book. Again, get into Textual Criticism and the real history of the texts. It's not one author, nor is it some back-room plan. Read the beginning of Luke and he talks about talking to the eyewitnesses in order to make an orderly record of events. That means interviewing the people. Where does Luke show up in the Bible itself? In his second book, Acts. At a certain point, it changes from 3rd person to 1st person because he's telling part of where he was traveling with Paul et al. The, it goes back to 3rd person. That give us a timeline for Luke doing his research, taking notes, etc, very close to the events after the crucifixion before he put the "Gospel of Luke" together from his notes. He was sponsored by a person (or small group) he refers to as Theophilus. Theophilus may be a person's name or a nickname. My time in eastern Europe has shown me just how many nicknames people go by!
Matthew was an eyewitness himself, as was John, and Mark was Peters assistant. Mark collated the preaching notes or narrative-testimony of Peter, another eyewitness. Then we have the writings of people like Polycarp and Irenaeus, the disciple of John and then his disciple. They confirmed that John's gospel and letters were actually written by John the disciple/apostle. At that time, no, not just anyone could write a book. If you look into Textual Criticism (ahem, risk dispelling ignorance by looking), then you will see why people consider these narratives authentic and reliable. Search in Youtube for user knowwheretorun1984, now Chris White. Here are some of his links that I have not referred to
A case for the historical existence of Jesus, in 4 arbitrarily divided segments: Now, if you are interested in whether or it's, what did you say, highly unlikely that only the earth is inhabited, that's beside the point. Look up youtube user "alien resistance" and riffle through his videos. They talk about the physics involved in space travel, the likeliness of alien life, and what it would mean theologically. Michael S. Heiser (a guy who knows 13 languages and can translate them) has some pretty good stuff there. Excuse my presumptuousness, but Heiser is a hell of a lot better educated than the people on this forum, and a much clearer thinker for it, too!
Now, are you going to look at evidence, or be willingly ignorant? Willing ignorance is a mark of immaturity and lack of character (you'll understand better if you have kids already). It's not that hard to lift a few fingers just to find out what you think you know. Better yet, you'll grow for it. Worse, you have nothing to lose anyway.
If anyone really wants to take pot shots at these things, you're better equipped if you have the real information--and that means not just sticking to people you already agree with. I listen to people I don't agree with so that I can clearly understand what they are saying. The detractors on here get dramatic about not wanting to look at the things I've recommended. That's shooting yourselves in the feet. If you want ammo for your arguments, look at me recommended material and use it for fodder.