jamotide: It was not a mistake, it was deliberate. I told you ontology is BS because there is no need for a first mover.
The reason why you think there is no need in the first place is because you confused the two.
And the leaf disturbs a wasp, which stings your hand,which causes a pain reflex, which moves a rock, moving a leaf, dis...
Just like your example this is not helpful.The universe is not a leaf.
I'm not sure you could miss the point any harder if you tried. The example was of a causal series ordered per se, where each of the secondary causes in the chain has no power to move on their own and gains the ability to move only because of the primary cause, and in which each cause acts simultaneously. You can't have an infinite chain of secondary causes without a primary cause. I dumbfounded as to why you think I said the universe was a leaf...
I was talking about Crag, not Aquinas,but thanks for the lecture. His arguments are all baseless assumption, many of which don;t matter anymore.
"logically lol lol lol, have you actually looked at what Sir Thomas Dumbass Aquinas wrote? First of all he assumes there can't be an endless regression of cause and effect. And then he immediatly jumps to the conclusion that the first cause must have been god.
Plus he basically just copied what Aristoteles said and planted god on top. "
You called him a dumbass and asked me if I had looked at what he wrote. Indeed, I have, but it is readily apparent that you never have, nor do you have a clue about how philosophy works. On the other hand, you're the one making the assumptions about what his arguments are.
It is very straightforward to call BS on, you repeating them doesn;t make em better. THERE MUST NOT BE A FIRST CAUSE,UNDERSTAND THIS.
This is really getting to be painful. Not only do you completely misunderstand the argument from first cause, but you use your misunderstanding of that argument to argue against a completely different argument. Let me slow it down for you. If X is the cause of Y, X can't be dependent on Y for its existence, because then Y would be the cause of X. If a being created space and time then it can't be dependent on space and time for its existence.
Infinite regression is possible, we know that now.
Oh really? I've love to see you demonstrate that claim.
No, it musn't. There is no reason to assume that it is enormously powerful. A small snowflake can turn into an avalanche.
A snowflake can trigger an avalanche, but it can't create an avalanche from nothing. We can do all sorts of things with matter, but we can't create matter itself.
And this is where you show you haven't really understood why these arguments are from the dark ages.
Not only are the dark ages a myth, it is a logical fallacy to say that an argument is wrong because of when it was created. Go take a history class or read a few books about it.
Yeah you don't seem to understand the "necessarily follows" part when you repeat Crag Hacks BS.
If you take a logic class, one of the first things that they will teach you is that if an argument as true premises and an valid form, then its conclusion is logically necessarily true. But don't let logic get in the way with you disagreeing with WLC.
This isn't a courthouse. Lies and hearsay aren't evidence.
Ummm...I hate to tell you this, but dictionary definitions don't only apply in courthouses. It's generally helpful when evaluating evidence not to assume a priori that its lies and hearsay. And even then, if someone believed a lie and took it as grounds for their belief that something was true, then the lie is by definition evidence for that.
The only implication is that what caused our universe most likely had a beginning,too, and that, and that and like I told you about 50 times now, infinite regression is possible. Aquinas did not know this, so he is excused. Crag Hack is making loads of money on his BS, so he is excused, you....sorry nope, not excused.
You really have no excuse for claiming to know what Aquinas thought when you haven't read a thing he's written. In Aquinas' view, it was at least theoretically possible for a causal series ordered per accidens to regress to infinity and thus have no beginning point (ST 1.46.2). If you think infinite regress is possible in reality, then by all means demonstrate it.
You don't know that. If time had a beginning, then it must have had a cause. And that cause must transcend time and immaterial! So, hence a pixie tried to measure time and thereby created it! Because how else can you measure something which doesn;t exist? Hello Crag, this is Louis,Crag, I'm so glad to have you back, where you belong!
It's like you just make up what you think philosophy is, create a ridiculous straw man argument, and then think you're smarter than professional philosophers. If only someone had pointed out pixies WLC it would have defeated his whole argument. *sigh* This would be embarrassing for you knew enough to be embarrassed, so please, just go take a philosophy class or read some books on it.