donsanderson: Thank you for that, I'm laughing so hard I have tears in my eyes! ;)
PaterAlf: So it did at least something good. Even if I'm not sure if it's really funny (at least not for me). ;)
innocuous77: I completely understand... did the same thing back in the day. Think about it this way... in the 2000s, the big deal about gaming was to have your choices matter. MM2 did that earlier.
and yes, I restored.
PaterAlf: Good to know I'm not alone. And yes, the choice I made certainly did matter.
trentonlf: Here's a cookie for a mad cookie monster.
I would be utterly pissed and erase the whole game :-/
PaterAlf: Thank you for the cookie. I'm feeling better right away.
Won't let the game win that easily. I already started to visit the caverns to get my stats back. It's a little hard, because of the weak characters and the fact that there are even more monsters now (because I'm on a higher level), but at least the game was friendly enough to not destroy my amor and equipment as well. I should probably say "Thank you!" for that.
Won't give up, I will beat this game!!!