Posted June 13, 2014

New User
Registered: Jan 2014
From Spain

Good Old Gamer
Registered: Sep 2011
From France

5* General of Cheese™
Registered: Oct 2010
From United States

Registered: Sep 2013
From Belize

Gamer since Pong
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States
Posted June 13, 2014
Minor quibble: Added a few flash deal games to the shopping cart, then got distracted by some important emails and a few phone calls (because watching 24/7 is not my job, but my job is my job). Went back to the cart to check out and the flash deals had expired. Oh well - deleted the games from the cart - no sale.
My wish: for these marathon sales with time-limited deals that only the chronically unemployed can fully track, at least make the "add to cart" action persistent enough that checking out later will still qualify for the deal price. I'd rather build up a list of potential purchases with the limited time I have to pay attention, review them later and check out once towards the end of the sale period rather than fill up my credit card with dozens of tiny transactions as I scramble to keep up.
This may not apply to everyone, but the short duration sales result in few purchases on my part rather than more impulse buys. I'm becoming more inclined to ignore the sales all together or just pop in and check against my wishlist once or twice rather than make a rapid series of quick purchases.
My wish: for these marathon sales with time-limited deals that only the chronically unemployed can fully track, at least make the "add to cart" action persistent enough that checking out later will still qualify for the deal price. I'd rather build up a list of potential purchases with the limited time I have to pay attention, review them later and check out once towards the end of the sale period rather than fill up my credit card with dozens of tiny transactions as I scramble to keep up.
This may not apply to everyone, but the short duration sales result in few purchases on my part rather than more impulse buys. I'm becoming more inclined to ignore the sales all together or just pop in and check against my wishlist once or twice rather than make a rapid series of quick purchases.

Good Old Gamer
Registered: Sep 2011
From France
Posted June 13, 2014
So many insomnia...Could you imagine the next step : GOG Galaxy Insomnia ? :D

Registered: Dec 2012
From Canada
Posted June 13, 2014
For those of you who have not played The Real Texas, let me say...What are you waiting for???!!! The graphics suck, but the game doesn't need the graphics to sell it! I know you will read reviews that say that the guy should have worked on the graphics, but this game is a gem with great game play! Buy it and find out about The Real Texas!

5* General of Cheese™
Registered: Oct 2010
From United States
Posted June 13, 2014
high rated

New User
Registered: Jan 2014
From Spain

Insert cat to continue
Registered: Aug 2012
From Greece
Posted June 13, 2014
Coming next:
- Humans Must Answer
- Driver: Parallel Lines
- Memoria
- Dark Fall: Lost Souls
- Waking Mars
- Ring Runner: Flight of the Sages
- Humans Must Answer
- Driver: Parallel Lines
- Memoria
- Dark Fall: Lost Souls
- Waking Mars
- Ring Runner: Flight of the Sages

Registered: May 2014
From Germany
Posted June 13, 2014
thanks a lot to IAmSinistar for making this thread and all those, who are working on it, too for keeping it up-to-date. And the idea of JMich is great to check the pictures, helps a lot - thank you, too!
Nice sale and I wish you all much fun and a good time!
thanks a lot to IAmSinistar for making this thread and all those, who are working on it, too for keeping it up-to-date. And the idea of JMich is great to check the pictures, helps a lot - thank you, too!
Nice sale and I wish you all much fun and a good time!

The Reluctant Voter
Registered: Sep 2011
From Vatican City

Official Nutcase
Registered: Dec 2013
From United Kingdom
Posted June 13, 2014
Just started on this and $16 in already :S better nip it in the bud I think. Tempted to buy keane 2 just so i can giggle to myself when I see it on the shelf :D. Too poor for that kinda shizzle tho

Captain Cookie
Registered: Nov 2012
From Palau

The Reluctant Voter
Registered: Sep 2011
From Vatican City