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Crappynuker1: Green arrow?
Richard Dragon: Kung-Fu Fighter?
the movies budget was INR 200,000,000 (estimated)
tascodlx: Richard Dragon: Kung-Fu Fighter?

was release Aug 2012
Post edited December 12, 2013 by Chimerical
Mugamoodi it is then.
You got it tascodlx :)
Post edited December 12, 2013 by Crappynuker1
1 The DungeonMaster
2 Prince of Darkness
3 The Lost Empire
5 I Accuse My Parents
6 Hail Caesar
7 Gammera the Invincible
8 Run,FatBoy, Run
9 Battle for Terra
10 Mugamoodi
11 Mugamoodi
12 Mandrake the Magician
13 Blue Beetle
14 Doop
15 Snowbird
16 Hannibal King
17 Dead Girl / Moonbeam
18 Sasquatch
19 Nemesis
20 Phantom
21 Phantom
22 The Last Mimzy
23 Jason X
24 Black Hole
25 Benny & Joon
26 Alice
27 Empire Records
28 Pirates of Silicon Valley
29 Hudson Hawk
30 Tank Girl
31 Tank Girl
32 Anarchist
33 Groundhog
34 Vindicator
35 U-Go Girl
36 Namor the Sub-mariner
37 Puck
38 Guardian
39 Venus Dee Milo
40 The Spirit
41 The Spirit
42 Lady in the Water
43 Elvira - mistress of the dark
44 Hackers
45 Stay Alive
46 My Name is Bruce
47 Alien Apocalypse
48 In The Name of the King
49 Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow
50 Green Hornet
51 Green Hornet
52 Gin Genie
53 La Nuit
54 Boris
55 Aurora
56 Diamond Lil
57 Windshear
58 Wendigo
59 Orphan/Mister Sensitive
60 Hellboy
61 Hellboy
62 Golden Compass
63 City of Ember
64 Howl's Moving Castle
65 The Last Man on Earth
66 Real Steel
67 The Dark Crystal
68 Nausiacaa of the valley of the wind
69 Weird Science
70 Blade
71 Blade
72 Stick
73 Vision
74 Rorschach
75 Deadpool
76 Northstar
77 Vivisector
78 Plazm
79 Martian Manhunter
80 Thor
81 Thor
82 The Last Unicorn
83 The Day the Earth Stood Still
84 Defendor
85 The Master of Disguise
86 Metropolis
87 Dracula 2000
88 Stargate
89 Baron Munchausen
90 Ironman
91 Ironman
92 Flash
93 Ghost Rider
94 Spawn
95 Emma Frost
96 Dr Strange
97 Harley Quinn
98 Rogue
99 Mystique
100 wolverine
101 wolverine (x-men origins)
102 Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs
103 Speed Racer
104 Fifth Element
105 The 10th Kingdom
106 Army of Darkness
107 Raiders of the lost ark
108 Princess Bride
109 DragonBall Evolution
110 Superman
111 Superman
tascodlx: Mugamoodi it is then.
It is Over !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Correct for #10 and #11

the full list is above

I'll start with explaining how the list was put together and might start talking about individual items on the list. I'll probably put quite a bit of info down over several post. I mainly now want to get over 2500 post in the thread :) .
Chimerical: I mainly now want to get over 2500 post in the thread :) .
Let me know if I can help. ;)
Chimerical: I'll start with explaining how the list was put together and might start talking about individual items on the list. I'll probably put quite a bit of info down over several post. I mainly now want to get over 2500 post in the thread :) .
Hehe, I hadn't been able to guess any place over my ill-fated #12 "Dr. Mandrake" one. :D

As I said before, looking forward to the explanation.

One less to 2501. ;)
Post edited December 12, 2013 by Thespian*
Looking forward to the reasons behind the list:)
I assume I'm not the only one getting the GOG bear every other click?
It's Mondo holding up the world again!
Yes, definitely curious about the logic behind the list.
Waitwaitwaitwait... Prince of Darkness was NUMBER TWO??? WHAAAA

WOW did I squander that opportunity! I had that on my list of "potential answers" and considered once or twice, maybe even thrice "hmm maybe I'll post this... nah I'll post this one instead..." *bangs head on desk* Sucks for me, maybe next time I'll... choose better answers, I guess? :(

Well congrats to Crappynuker1 (that's your name right?) for your win. Now OP, your turn to account for this GODDAMN MADNESS you hath subjected us all to!

P.S. Prince of Darkness is a FANTASTIC movie, one of my favorite Carpenter flicks, criminally underrated by everyone.
Post edited December 12, 2013 by cannard
Another movie I better add to my list :P