Posted December 13, 2013
So there is this show Reviews on the Run and they are doing this 100 top movies countdown each day. So I did my own 100 top movies. I was looking for a giveaway to do and I thought about doing a guess the movie on the list or maybe a comic book hero list as another giveaway. I noticed the overlap between the two lists and decided to combine them together. I then came up with the idea to make the 10 movies 10 superheroes pattern. Decided where to place the hero movies I decide to give each set of 10 items a ranking of how difficult I though it would be for someone to guess those items. So the closer to the top of the list, the more unlikely it would be to guessed and that is how I decide where to put each of the Movie & Character items. Then I filled in what I thought was right for the category of obscurity. So there was no super pattern or secret message to decode, I figured that people would get the Supermans and Thors of the list and probably would miss a majority of the list. But you managed to get like 60 of 110 even before I started giving hints. So basically it comes down to be being a list of stuff I like, because I had to prune it down from 100 I left off the Star Wars and Wall-Es, the easy to guess section was already full. So that how it was made, hope it didn't drive you too crazy and that you had fun.