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high rated
Up for grabs in this edition of the reprized giveaway are two GoG copies of X3: Terran War Pack (containing X3: Terran Conflict and X3: Albion Prelude).

For those of you who remember the last giveaway: the rules are almost identical (with some small additions/corrections).

1. Post here to say you're in for the giveaway (can't win if you're not in).
2. Sign up because you want to play the games, not because you want to collect and shelf the games.
3. The winner will be chosen randomly in one week from today (next Saturday).
4. You must swear a sacred oath to uphold your end of the bargain, as described below under "Responsibilities".
5. The winner can give the game to someone else (or you can participate for someone else and then pass along the codes), as long as that certain someone agrees to uphold point 4.

Responsibilities (aka "the winner has to"):

1. Play at least one of the games in sandbox or campaign mode.
2. Record and post an X3 diary in the X Series thread for the first 7 days of game-play (actual in-game time). In total there have to be at least seven posts, each taken at a 1 day interval (1st post after 1 day spent in the game and so on). The diary entries should contain at least one screenshot and a short summary of what the player has been doing in the game so far (it can be captain's log style, or you can turn it into a space-adventure novel if you wish).

Good luck and doubly good profitssssss onto you!
Good choice of games!

NOT IN, as I already have them in numerous copies ;)

Not in, but +1 for the interesting giveaway paradigm!
This looks like a really good game and I'd love to be in.
If I'm chosen please forgive me for imperfectly fulfilling your condition #2. I just don't get a chance to game every day.
Thank you
Gerin: This looks like a really good game and I'd love to be in.
If I'm chosen please forgive me for imperfectly fulfilling your condition #2. I just don't get a chance to game every day.
Thank you
I'll add you to the list :). And don't worry, you don't have to game *every day* - what I was trying to say is that you should add a new diary post after completing an in-game day (for the first 7 days) - you could do this in a week or a month, it's entirely up to you.
low rated
WinterSnowfall: And don't worry, you don't have to game *every day*
I think that should be one of the conditions, that you must play every day for at least 8 hours.
I am not an alt... Look at my join date! It precedes WinterSnowfall's.
NOT in, of course, as I recieved a copy in the first giveaway. A small warning: Those seven in-game days will take you at least some 125 hours of real time + time to learn the game + time to write the diary. Warning #2: The game is addictive.
Post edited September 22, 2016 by Themken
Themken: I am not an alt... Look at my join date! It precedes WinterSnowfall's.
Given ciomalau's history, I seriously doubt anybody is listening to him. Taking him seriously would be as wise as making Bradley your philosophical mentor.
ciomalau: for those who don't know romanian, sugi pula means you suck dick
I would have loosely translated it as sucking and pulling.
It's sad that some people are hijacking the thread. Thanks for your generosity, the X3 games are one of my favorite time killers that I don't have time for right now :). Not in of course, I own enough copies :D.
Nice giveaway WS. Not in myself, as you know I already have them and am currently working my way through TC. For those interested....if you're completely new to the X games, they are well worth a little time investment to learn as you begin. There are a few of us playing right now who monitor the sub-forum, and will be more then happy to answer questions, and help you get started. The game becomes very addicting and engrossing once you get the gist of it, and, as a result, very rewarding as you progress. It's truly amazing how much is packed into the X universe. I kind of like to think of it as Freelancer bulked up and on steroids, so to speak. Anyway, good luck to all entering, and looking forward to your future diary!

+1 Winter
Post edited September 23, 2016 by Zoltan999
Ooh, a new giveaway for a game on my wishlist! And I've actually been finishing some games recently, so I could possibly talk myself into participating!
Those are some hefty responsibilities, though...

*ponders mightily*

I'm in.

I want to play the games. (Based on everything I've been reading about them; I have zero knowledge of this genre / these games.)

However, I'm still in the middle of two other games (Thief 3, and the Witcher), and have a habit of drifting away from specific games (I loved Thief 3 when I started playing it, but its pacing currently just isn't working for me, so I'm semi-ignoring it for a while until I feel the urge again), or even from gaming altogether, for uncertain periods of time. (Or I could just interrupt everything I'm doing to replay an old favorite.) This means that if I am lucky enough to win the games, I'll install them nearly immediately, and try them out, and then it depends entirely on how hooked I get that first day to determine if I'll continue playing them every chance I get for a week or two (which should mean at least one or two diary entries nearly straight away (assuming there's no way to speed up time and Themken's warning about a day being effectively 24 hours of gameplay time is really true?)), or play them a bit every other day (which would mean a first diary entry after nearly a month?), or put them aside for weeks at a time while first finishing other things that I feel more like, and only returning to play more afterward.

So, what I can promise is that I'll post such a diary entry after each in-game day that I've played - but not how long it'll take me to reach that - could be as much as a year to reach the end of those seven days - and there's a small but distinct chance that I'll discover these games aren't for me, in which case I won't ever finish seven days. (I'd still do a final diary entry upon reaching that conclusion, though.)

If that meets your rule #4, then I'm definitely in. But I'll also entirely understand if that disqualifies me and you'd rather give the game to someone who can better guarantee to put in the full time on relatively short notice.

Either way, thanks for the giveaway, and the great (if hefty!) :) conditions!
There is a way to speed up time, which is why you can save some time sometimes. 7x24h=168h but in reality that might take just 125-150h of real time unless you die. "Save early, save often!" I find that I use the speed-up a lot during the first few in-game days then less and less and now close to 14 days into my game only for a few minutes per game day.

Maybe look at some videos? They are sandbox games set in a world with a dynamic economy. You are free to do whatever you want but your deeds have consequences both for you and the world but you cannot conquer any places.
Post edited September 23, 2016 by Themken
Gerin: This looks like a really good game and I'd love to be in.
If I'm chosen please forgive me for imperfectly fulfilling your condition #2. I just don't get a chance to game every day.
Thank you
WinterSnowfall: I'll add you to the list :). And don't worry, you don't have to game *every day* - what I was trying to say is that you should add a new diary post after completing an in-game day (for the first 7 days) - you could do this in a week or a month, it's entirely up to you.
Oh perfect! Thank you
Nice giveaway, thanks +1.
However, I already own the game.