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Bouchart: I don't know if commercially sold RPG Maker games count for this. If they do, I'd say that Steel & Steam, The Clans: Saga of the Twins and Secret of Magia are three absolutely terrible ones. And those are just three I've played; Steam is full of such games.

If we are talking about "real" RPGs, then I might have to say Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. When the plot isn't cliche it's just badly written, with the main character coming across as the villain unintentionally a lot of the time. Combat isn't that great and a lot of job classes are redundant.

Dungeon Siege 1 was so boring it took me a decade to muster the energy to finish it.

I've never played Hydlyde or AD&D: Heroes of the Lance but those two are awful NES RPGs.

Some of the Gold Box D&D games haven't aged well.
Magic_Of_Light: Well crap, i bought the entire D&D classic series bundle on sale. But, at least its not Hydlyde. That game made me want to tear out my eyeballs. And stick icepicks in my ears.
Those old D&D games are like a lot of old games in that they have a somewhat poor interface. If you can get past that you'd probably do okay.
Magic_Of_Light: RPG stands for role playing game. It is a story driven game, where magic, weapons, and training will make you stronger over time. Some people call mass effect a shooter, because it has shooting elements. But the core of the game is rpg, just as it is with skyrim and oblivion. Action combat does not make it any less rpg than say wizardry 7 with its turn based combat.

There is casual rpg, and action rpg, and strategy rpg, and shooter rpg, and first person rpg, ect ect ect. But they are still rpgs. Just because they arent your style doesnt mean they are not rpgs. You just prefer the casual or strategy kinds like fallout, or baldurs gate.

Just to solidify my point here, here is a list. They date way back, its not like its new.

Going by your logic the legend of zelda was not an rpg. Even though you grind for money, buy things, collect health magic weapons, find secrets, battle bosses, ect ect. Adventure rpg, action rpg, rpg is the core mechanics of how characters progress, not the combat alone.
Whether a game is story driven does not affect the genre, nor do magic (absent in Wasteland/Fallout), weapons (absent in Quest 64), and training (absent in Legend of the Ghost Lion) define the (game) genre of a game. On the other hand, the main gameplay style (in this case, turn-based menu-based combat) *is* what defines a genre. Therefore, action combat *does* make a game not an RPG; said games are action games which just happen to have borrowed elements that are commonly seen in RPG.

With your Zelda example, I have never considered any of the games in the series to be RPGs; they're action games with some adventure elements. (I note, in particular, that "find secrets" and "battle bosses" aren't even RPG elements; finding secrets is native to the Adventure game genre (but it widespread in other genres; even Super Mario Bros. has secrets to find), and boss fights are extremely common in pure action games). Also, I believe the original Space Quest has you grind for money at one point (saving in case the slot machine decides to annihilate you).

The progression mechanics are not a factor in the genre at all. I could point out that, for example, in Touhou 12.8: Great Fairy Wars, you level up by freezing enemy bullets, but yet nobody would think of that particular game as an RPG. Then there's also Ghost Lion, which I mentioned, that lacks typical RPG progression mechanics but is still an RPG. I could also mention Wizardry 4 here, for another example of non-RPGish progression in a game that is generally considered an RPG.

One more thing: My classification of games is not related to my preferences. For example, I definitely enjoyed Shovel Knight, which is a game that people tend not to classify as an RPG. I also have Crimzon Clover, though I have never finished it. Also, challenging turn based RPGs are definitely *not* casual; just look at the Wizardry series, for example.
Niggles: Same could be said for Fallout 3. NV is where the RPG is at..
Crewdroog: word. after i played NV, i could never go back to 3
I agree.
Obsidian delivered an amazing RPG, while Bethesda Game Studios gave us, at best, mediocre light-RPG's.
Oathe: Beyond divinity stands out in my mind atm. I wanted to like that damn game so bad.
It's awesome.
Have you tried Ginormo Sword? It is just pure grinding - I should know, I beat it. Twice.
1. Mass Effect 2 ... I have nothing positive to say about this game, it ruined the whole series for me
2. Skyrim ... far too bland, dull and generic for my taste
3. Dark Souls ... just pointless hacking and slashing, I got nothing out of it
4. Diablo 3 ... the gameplay simply wasn't fun, it played too much like an MMO
5. Fable 3 ... the first half of the game was fun, the rest was not

I'd much rather play something technically inferior but still interesting, like a Gothic or Risen game, than a pretty but bland and meaningless RPG.
Dark Souls - criminally bad port of a rather naff console action game
Dragon Age 2 - this one deserves and OMG its so bad.
Vanilla Elder Scrolls games (oblivion, Skyrim, F3) - these seriously need years of fan works before they are playable.
NWN2 Main Campaign - dreaful story, highly annoying NPCs which are forced on you.
Diablo3 - apart from the soul destroying DRM, the micro transaction store, the game itself is bland, empty and should not be considered part of the diablo franchise.
Cant think of any more right at the moment but I am sure there are some that will come to me.

Edit, thanks Ricky_Bobby - I forgot about D3.
Post edited June 16, 2016 by nightcraw1er.488
1. Divinity 2 - Ego Draconis - worst ending ever and far too much railroading throughout the game. Never touched any Larian game again.
2. Oblivion - boring graphics tech demo and level scaling was the worst 'innovation' in RPGs ever. But great modding platform!
3. Dungeon Siege - boring. But great modding platform! (Best total conversion of any RPG ever: Lazarus)
4. Diablo 3 - DRM, castrated game, no real RPG any more since character development is automated and only equipment counts.
5. Ultima 9 - the painful, undeserved death-stroke to a once great series.
Lifthrasil: 1. Divinity 2 - Ego Draconis - worst ending ever and far too much railroading throughout the game. Never touched any Larian game again.
Gets fixed on the expansion.
Breja: I don't think they were that bad honestly, just not my kind of games.
Leroux: Frankly, I don't think any of the games named in this thread would qualify as "worst of the worst" for any sane player. It seems mostly a thread for bashing RPGs you're disappointed with or that you want to declare as overrated because you can stand that other people like them. "5 RPGs you didn't like" would be a more fitting thread title, but of course that wouldn't be as provocative. ;)
I perfectly agree with this. Several RPGs in this thread are actually some of the best RPGs made.

I mean, Dragon Age 2 made it onto this list? It might've disappointed some people, but it still remains a great RPG with fun combat, wonderful storytelling and various choices you can make. Not to mention all the party banter that's so much missing from other RPGs!

Two Worlds 1 and 2 despite being often bashed are actually good and fun RPGs, and people who played them longer than few hours usually say they're really fun, especially the latter game.

Not to mention all the other games in this thread which I wouldn't put anywhere near the 'worst RPGs' list.

Anyway, I'd put the really boring games on this list, things where there's no plot and just tedious combat, or absolutely tedious, on the rails plot with no choices and boring combat. Wasn't the new Bard's Tale (the 3D remake) like that?
Green_Hilltop: ...snip
I perfectly agree with this. Several RPGs in this thread are actually some of the best RPGs made.

I mean, Dragon Age 2 made it onto this list? It might've disappointed some people, but it still remains a great RPG with fun combat, wonderful storytelling and various choices you can make. Not to mention all the party banter that's so much missing from other RPGs!
Errm, is this the game with the dreadful camera, the fixed spawn battles, the zero storyline, the bland characters, pretty average graphics, very peculiar leveling system which doesn't make any sense? I mean seriously, the first templar character you meet is Alistair with a different name - they didn't even bother creating anything new.

But then again, people rave about Dark Souls and such like. They really are terrible games.

Dragon Age 1 however, whilst not in the top games, is certainly a very good game, after several plays through not bored with it. Depth of character creation, various different storyline intros, ok, bit linear but that is to be expected with a narrative driven game, plenty of lore and back story, annoying but individual NPCs (I tend to always play solo now). Pretty much a mirror of everything the second one isn't.

Anyways, no-one is saying this is the definitive list, its all subjective.
Green_Hilltop: I mean, Dragon Age 2 made it onto this list? It might've disappointed some people, but it still remains a great RPG with fun combat, wonderful storytelling and various choices you can make. Not to mention all the party banter that's so much missing from other RPGs!
You're right going through the same cave/warehouse/whatever 10+ times sure was exciting. :P
It wasn't the worst, but I certainly wouldn't ever want to replay it.
Magic_Of_Light: Saying Oblivion and Skyrim are barely rpgs is kind of laughable honestly.

Like skyrim and oblivion, compared to old games of the same type like stonekeep and ultima underworld. They are all fantastic, all of them.
Depends on how you define rrr pee gee's or what should be included, because this thread topic is vague. Bottom line people have different tastes. My worst list is different than others.

My reasons: Skyrim and Oblivion have terrible Choice & Consequence, non-sense world reactivity, mannequin AI repeating the same dull crap, boring Grade Z level story writing, hold your hand quest markers (instead of detailed written instructions like Morrowind, because reading is hard), and garbage brain-dead quests. And that is why I define them as barely rrr pee geez.
Lifthrasil: 1. Divinity 2 - Ego Draconis - worst ending ever and far too much railroading throughout the game. Never touched any Larian game again.
2. Oblivion - boring graphics tech demo and level scaling was the worst 'innovation' in RPGs ever. But great modding platform!
3. Dungeon Siege - boring. But great modding platform! (Best total conversion of any RPG ever: Lazarus)
4. Diablo 3 - DRM, castrated game, no real RPG any more since character development is automated and only equipment counts.
5. Ultima 9 - the painful, undeserved death-stroke to a once great series.
Implying the Diablo 2 player character had character developmeny :P
Dragon Age 2