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Breja: I don't think they were that bad honestly, just not my kind of games.
Frankly, I don't think any of the games named in this thread would qualify as "worst of the worst" for any sane player. It seems mostly a thread for bashing RPGs you're disappointed with or that you want to declare as overrated because you can stand that other people like them. "5 RPGs you didn't like" would be a more fitting thread title, but of course that wouldn't be as provocative. ;)
Post edited June 16, 2016 by Leroux
Serpent in the Staglands.
Elminage Gothic.
Two Worlds.
Two Worlds Two.
1: Fallout 4, worst of the worst

I can't think of other horrible RPG's at the moment.

Just realized; there are so many shitty RPG's that I'd defend in a heartbeat, the only one that I can not learn to love (or even like) is Fallout 4.
Post edited June 16, 2016 by NuffCatnip
I can't come up with 5 titles...don't play that many RPGs (or games in general). But I have to say I quite disliked Fallout 2 when I played it some years ago...juvenile, fourth-wall-breaking humour, boring repetitive combat, a barely existing main plotline and bugs really didn't appeal to me.
Also didn't like Kotor2 when I tried it a few months bloody verbose, Chris Avellone really likes his own writing too much for a game's good.
Post edited June 16, 2016 by morolf
Maxvorstadt: 1. Gothic
2. Gothic 2

4. Risen
5. Divine Divinity
How can someone have opinions like these and not be american. smh tbh.
DampSquib: Serpent in the Staglands.
Please specify why!

I can't say they are the worst, it seems a waste of time to specify the worst of the worst than merely deeming them unplayable. I don't like any of the third person aRPGs like Gothic, Risen, Two Worlds, Divinity and no isometric aRPGs either anymore except I had some fun with Ice Wind Dale 2 as a Summoner but that's about it.

As for cRPGs, I would probably say Neverwinter Nights given its campaign but funnily enough it was one of the first cRPGs I played, it was an enjoyable experience and I don't regret it, but I'm likely never going to replay it. Sadly I never got into the modules people keep raving about.
I'm just kind of surprised at the number of people naming whole series here. It's not like there are so few RPGs you're left thinking "Wow, fuck that game! Now I've got no choice but to play both its sequels and hate those games too!"

That said, I'll name two now and if I think of anything else this bad that I've invested any real time in I'll add it later.

Gothic 2 - really wonky movement and combat to the point of being unplayable.

KoTOR 2 - tedious and unbalanced with poor writing, predictable characters and no redeeming qualities. By far Obsidian's worst game and completely beneath everything they've done since in every area.
Post edited June 16, 2016 by Navagon
Navagon: I'm just kind of surprised at the number of people naming whole series here. It's not like there are so few RPGs you're left thinking "Wow, fuck that game! Now I've got no choice but to play both its sequels and hate those games too!"
Masochists, the whole bunch of them!
NuffCatnip: Masochists, the whole bunch of them!
I'm inclined to think they've actually only played one of those games. It's either that or I've got too much faith in humanity and I find that hard to believe.
DampSquib: Elminage Gothic.
Why? That game is one of my favorites.
Usually I don't mind any RPGs even I feel story/system were mediocre or wrong, but still these were few worst games...

MakaMaka (on SNES.Japanese. Just broken. the worst of the worst)
Final Fantasy 8 (I could not get it at all)
Gothic 3 ( The battle system was broken. event bug prevented me to complete)
Hoshi wo miru hito (meaning the man who see the star. on NES.Japanese. Even the first village was hidden on the map. lol)
Hajya no Fuin (Japanese.In the west, it called Miracle Warriors: Seal of the Dark Lord. In the beginning the player can only see one square on the map! if go river at accident, the hero should dead)
DampSquib: Serpent in the Staglands.
Nirth: Please specify why!

I can't say they are the worst, it seems a waste of time to specify the worst of the worst than merely deeming them unplayable. I don't like any of the third person aRPGs like Gothic, Risen, Two Worlds, Divinity and no isometric aRPGs either anymore except I had some fun with Ice Wind Dale 2 as a Summoner but that's about it.

As for cRPGs, I would probably say Neverwinter Nights given its campaign but funnily enough it was one of the first cRPGs I played, it was an enjoyable experience and I don't regret it, but I'm likely never going to replay it. Sadly I never got into the modules people keep raving about.
That is going to take a lot of venom, and i don't have the energy to type much.
So in short, dreadful plot, awful graphics, repugnant magic system, dreadful animations, the naming of characters is cringe worthy, creatures don't fair any better, most look like you punched the keyboard.
Companions are dreadful empty vessels ( yeah you don't need them ), the map is a joke and completely useless.
The design of Gear, Weapons, Armour is probably the worst i've seen in a RPG by a long mile.

Will stop there, you get the idea...
1. Lionheart - nice at the begining, it could be so much better. :(
2. Fallout 4 - sigh...
3. Fallout 3 - well...
4. Oblivion - well, after Morrowind it was terrible for me (apart from DB quest line), but thx to that I liked Skyrim I guess...
5. Ultima 9 - what's a paladin?

Now when I think about it, it's more like "Most disappointing RPGs list" than "worst" as worse RPGs exists...

Also, seems I'm wierd as I enjoyed Risen (sadly you can see when they run out of money) and Risen 2 but hey... I enjoyed Dragon Age 2 (don't get me wrong, many thing there were terrible)... I guess it's all about expectation...
1. Ultima 8--Its an abomination.
2. Lands Of Lore 2--God awful, avoid it.
3. Dungeon Master--Spell system from hell, never got anywhere back in the day on it.
4. Sacred 1 and 2--Most boring diablo style game ever, they are already boring, but Sacred 2 was so boring, it would literally make me go to sleep. Spells and skills have like 0 effects, grind grind grind, sell sell sell...zzz
5. Two worlds 1--Absolutely laughable combat to be honest, i find it hard to even enjoy it, even though it doesnt look that bad.
thehawkness: 1) Fallout 4
2) Fallout 3
3) Skyrim
4) Oblivion
5) Dragon Age Inquisition

So terrible they are barely 'rrr pee gees'
Saying Oblivion and Skyrim are barely rpgs is kind of laughable honestly. Thats like saying Ultima 7 wasnt an rpg, or Might and magic 3+, because they werent turn based first person perspective. The elder scrolls series is rpgs in first person done right. Action combat is quite a large appeal nowadays, because its much more immersive. Like if you compare Wizardry 7 to Eye of the beholder. Eye of the beholder seems much more immersive, because you actually have to do everything, just just pick options and press go.

Like skyrim and oblivion, compared to old games of the same type like stonekeep and ultima underworld. They are all fantastic, all of them.
Post edited June 16, 2016 by Magic_Of_Light
Crewdroog: Fallout 4, BC THERE WAS NONE.

I'm still bitter. and i still say it was a good FPS, but a shitty RPG.
Same could be said for Fallout 3. NV is where the RPG is at..