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low rated
RWarehall: How fucking stupid are you?
Not as much as you seem to think as I can avoid insulting people and swearing to make my argument, and am open to opposing ideas.

RWarehall: How many times does it need to be explained when a totally middle-of-the-road game receives a 81% user score, a game receiving 67% sucks in comparison to that average mediocre game. But you are so dumb that you you keep acting as if 67% is a good score somehow...
Doesn't matter, I still want them here....and good/bad is often subjective.

RWarehall: I can't help stupid...
If you want a good response honey rather than vinegar works best. Also you could start by being willing to consider our arguments/ideas.

RWarehall: The fact is the Wishlist has been made meaningless because the same fools complaining about every not so great game getting rejected, uses the Wishlist to vote them up. Making the Wishlist a trash fire of a poll. You want an example of clear manipulation, our Wishlist is the prime example because of your actions. Because of you people, GoG doesn't trust it and for good reason...
I don't think the majority of votes are manipulated...if by that you mean people would need to have alts or make them to do so and I don't see them doing so to upvote a few entries on wishlists Gog might not pay attention to.

Also that last bit: *evidence needed* else it's your word and not much else.

RWarehall: GoG sees what you are doing and that is why they take certain entries with a big grain of salt. Unless you think they are blind to the 3 threads a month of complaints and brigading from the same half dozen people...
You might get better replies and more consideration if you didn't try to falsely accuse others without proof.

RWarehall: You talk about "other POV", what point of view is that? That GoG should change their mind on every rejection they make because 6 users complain about every rejection? That is a stupid self-serving point of view...
Any beyond the one ingrained in your mind currently, and as for 6 DO get that not everyone who has a complaint bothers to talk about it on the forums and that many don't even USE the forums, right?

RWarehall: Maybe you are talking about 67% is greater than 50% so GoG should add every game on Steam that has more than 50% likes? Or in other words, almost the entire catalog...
This is putting words in people's one said that and I said several times that I was mainly talking about a few games here and there...or are you missing what I write to be able to frame our stances in a bad light?

RWarehall: Again, I can't help stupid...
Work on yourself first, as you seem to think anything you don't want to believe is stupid with regards to this.
GameRager: snip
Not my fault you are so stuck in your argument that it makes you too stupid to see that brigading for these games is clearly a manipulation of the Wishlist. It props up the votes for these rejected games unfairly in comparison to games not being brigaded for.

No "proof" is needed except these threads and all the calls for people to vote them up on the Wishlist. The fact that you call that a false accusation says a lot about your mental capacity...
low rated
RWarehall: Not my fault you are so stuck in your argument that it makes you too stupid to see that brigading for these games is clearly a manipulation of the Wishlist. It props up the votes for these rejected games unfairly in comparison to games not being brigaded for.
That argument would mostly only work if people were all morons without free will to do as they pleased. Also why is it so bad to ask people who LIKE a game to vote for it? It's not like anyone is saying "vote these games up for us so we can get them here even if you dislike them".

As for propping games up unfairly: The games get like a couple hundred votes, and the wishlist isn't the primary diving force behind added games anymore anyways(vote count being higher or lower seemingly doesn't matter in many cases).

Also calling people stupid doesn't me good convincing arguments if you want to change my mind more.

RWarehall: No "proof" is needed except these threads and all the calls for people to vote them up on the Wishlist. The fact that you call that a false accusation says a lot about your mental capacity...
Asking for votes from ONLY those interested in said games coming here isn't manipulation...or at least not the bad kind. Also I need more proof than that, sadly.

And again, stahp with the's making you seem like manwithfingersinbothears.jpg You want to get me to start believing you or willing to consider doing so? Stop with the name calling and use convincing arguments that don't make you seem blind to any other viewpoint.
Post edited November 06, 2019 by GameRager
low rated
GameRager: manwithfingersinbothears.jpg
I'm trying to visualise it...
GameRager: Utter bullshit as usual
How hard is it to see that 3 threads a month brigading for these rejected games is influencing the quality of the wishlist? C'mon, are you really that dumb? It's funny that isn't proof to you, but your stupid argument that 67% means 2 out of 3 people like a game is supposed to be a convincing point of view.

Grimoire has managed just 424 reviews to a horrible Mixed average of 67% despite the developer begging people for vote right in his update and the game being out for over 2 years...

A middle-of-the-road game has a user rating of 81% and far more reviews in the same period of time.
low rated
GameRager: manwithfingersinbothears.jpg
fronzelneekburm: I'm trying to visualise it...
Lol wtf is that even supposed to be or show? o.0

It was a bit funny, though, i'll give it that.

No, what is seemingly going on here is like the 3 monkeys statue....see no evil, heard no evil, speak no evil, etc.

I was going to keep this going, but looking at the edit you made to my reply shows you are unwilling to talk and think us lesser than yourself. After this reply I will be ignoring your replies short of posting silly pics to illustrate my point, as that seems a far more apt reply to your behavior.

GameRager: Utter bullshit as usual
RWarehall: How hard is it to see that 3 threads a month brigading for these rejected games is influencing the quality of the wishlist? C'mon, are you really that dumb? It's funny that isn't proof to you, but your stupid argument that 67% means 2 out of 3 people like a game is supposed to be a convincing point of view.
As if the other thread asking for wishlist votes don't do the same? And your argument only works if people are voting for games they don't like/wouldn't buy here anyways.

Also yes, 2/3 is a decent score......but keep on keepin' on Mr. Big Rigs.

RWarehall: Grimoire has managed just 424 reviews to a horrible Mixed average of 67% despite the developer begging people for vote right in his update and the game being out for over 2 years...
67% is decent, some obviously like it, not everyone bothers to review games on steam, and you just seem to want to blindly agree with everything gog does from what you're written and how you've replied to opposing viewpoints.

RWarehall: A middle-of-the-road game has a user rating of 81% and far more reviews in the same period of time.
Stop following the game mag metric for review scores.....81% is pretty good not middle of the road.....although some wouldn't know that who seem to like giving games either very high scores or very low ones, as if the other numbers didn't exist or served no purpose.
Tbh I am a bit stubborn as well I will admit, but I am willing to have my mind changed and am trying to act mature about this. You seem to be like the npc meme IRL, saying stuff essentially "Gog can do no wrong, all gog decisions are great, all who oppose said decisions are morons and fools...beep".
Post edited November 06, 2019 by GameRager
Jan.Teubel: You and this bizarre clown explain nothing. You invent excuses and theorise in walls of text why GOG rejects games = rejects money, that is all you do.
Fridge empty, you begging for fish like that?
RWarehall: How fucking stupid are you?
Take your pills, please. You made some great posts explaining how things work, and now you're tearing it all down with your infamous lack of anger management...
Hey, it's the internet - you can't save everyone.
Post edited November 06, 2019 by toxicTom
low rated
toxicTom: Hey, it's the internet - you can't save everyone.
Eh, I think he has some points and I think we had some as well, both good and bad to varying degrees.

This is very good advice in general, though.
Post edited November 06, 2019 by GameRager
GameRager: Stop with the name calling and use convincing arguments that don't make you seem blind to any other viewpoint.
Umm... IMO he had lots of valid and convincing arguments. I see you more on the "blind to other viewpoints side".

RWarehalls problem is rather this
low rated
toxicTom: Umm... IMO he had lots of valid and convincing arguments. I see you more on the "blind to other viewpoints side".
To you perhaps, but not to me and some others. He also made a bunch of arguments that fall apart when picked at a bit or that boil down to "gog is doing right, and you're a moron if you think otherwise" and "if gog bring more games here it means they must bring a ton of games/bad games here and it'll be very bad".

He could, however, make them more palatable and people like me more willing to consider them if he was more civil and also willing to consider viewpoints that conflict with his own.

Also I tried calming him down/being civil.........if he has a bad/easily wound up temper then I apologize somewhat for being a bit snippy with him, but if he cannot handle such he should do as I did and go to counseling/take time to calm down and reply calmly/etc.
Post edited November 06, 2019 by GameRager
GameRager: To you perhaps, but not to me and some others. He also made a bunch of arguments that fall apart when picked at a bit or that boil down to "gog is doing right, and you're a moron if you think otherwise" and "if gog bring more games here it means they must bring a ton of games/bad games here and it'll be very bad".
Citation needed

You should really work on your reading comprehension. It's not what he said. I don't know if it makes sense to explain it again, because he said what he meant two times now above in IMO pretty clear words. And I recounted it too, and pointed out that the ratings are skewered by several factors.
To make it clear again: I am in no way opposed to GOG selling for instance games like Hatred, Agony or Grimoire, I personally would be interested in all three from an artistic point of view, even if they objectively suck. I just think it's moronic to keep yelling "GOG is censorship and SJW yadda yadda" when all there is to see is a rational and comprehensible business decision, move along please. One we don't need to agree with, certainly, but simply no reason for moral outrage.
All these games are not bestsellers, they aren't even "great games" by any means. This kind of sounds like "I want my lolly, and if I can't you're a bad parent!!".

I will probably get Grimoire at some point from Would get the others too if they were there. GOG decided not to sell them - so what? It's not GTA we're talking about.

GameRager: Also I tried calming him down/being civil.........if he has a bad/easily wound up temper then I apologize somewhat for being a bit snippy with him, but if he cannot handle such he should do as I did and go to counseling/take time to calm down and reply calmly/etc.
Yeah well... see above. He's kind of infamous for that around here... Still there are many constructive and useful posts by this user.
low rated
toxicTom: Umm... IMO he had lots of valid and convincing arguments. I see you more on the "blind to other viewpoints side".
GameRager: To you perhaps, but not to me and some others. He also made a bunch of arguments that fall apart when picked at a bit or that boil down to "gog is doing right, and you're a moron if you think otherwise" and "if gog bring more games here it means they must bring a ton of games/bad games here and it'll be very bad".

He could, however, make them more palatable and people like me more willing to consider them if he was more civil and also willing to consider viewpoints that conflict with his own.

Also I tried calming him down/being civil.........if he has a bad/easily wound up temper then I apologize somewhat for being a bit snippy with him, but if he cannot handle such he should do as I did and go to counseling/take time to calm down and reply calmly/etc.
Once again, common sense means absolutely nothing to you. You are totally incapable of self-reflecting.

I pointed out the facts...both these games have strong evidence they were poorly received. Wizardry was poorly received on the PS3 and now it's just going to be a console port of a mediocre game. Grimoire has already displayed poor sales and poor reviews.

Instead, you disingenuously ignore these facts and pretend there was nothing backing up my assertion that GoG was correct in these decisions. Based on absolutely nothing but wishlist entries that have been brigaded for months! These are clearly subpar offerings to any reasonable and objective person which you have showed yourself not to be.

In your dozen or so posts, you have not brought a single reasonable argument at all. Just stupid ones like user ratings aren't perfect so we should just ignore them, rather than take them for what they are. Or insulting me for being a "corporate shill" in lieu of any sort of actual argument...

GameRager...funny you fancying yourself as some bastion of need to look in the mirror some time...go fuck off...
low rated
toxicTom: Citation needed
Fair enough.

toxicTom: You should really work on your reading comprehension. It's not what he said. I don't know if it makes sense to explain it again, because he said what he meant two times now above in IMO pretty clear words. And I recounted it too, and pointed out that the ratings are skewered by several factors.
So he isn't saying those games are trash and don't belong here? Or that we are all morons and stupid? That makes me feel better, because it sure seemed like that's what he was saying.

toxicTom: To make it clear again: I am in no way opposed to GOG selling for instance games like Hatred, Agony or Grimoire, I personally would be interested in all three from an artistic point of view, even if they objectively suck. I just think it's moronic to keep yelling "GOG is censorship and SJW yadda yadda" when all there is to see is a rational and comprehensible business decision, move along please. One we don't need to agree with, certainly, but simply no reason for moral outrage.
I don't agree that all rejections are likely based on those reasons and also agree that saying such without proof is dumb, but c'mon....tossing the idea aside entirely speaks of closemindedness, don't you think?

You are free to believe the company line and dgnfly is free to believe otherwise...without proof either way we don't know who is more right, and gog likely will never give us that information. All i'm saying is we shouldn't toss any ideas out entirely because they don't seem to fit our beliefs

toxicTom: All these games are not bestsellers, they aren't even "great games" by any means. This kind of sounds like "I want my lolly, and if I can't you're a bad parent!!".
Why can't(not to you but according to others) we have more such games here and people asking for them?

toxicTom: I will probably get Grimoire at some point from Would get the others too if they were there. GOG decided not to sell them - so what? It's not GTA we're talking about.
I believe in calling out a business on all bad decisions, no matter how big or small, and allowing others to do the same. Also some only want it on Gog and denying them it here is denying it to them entirely as long as they stick to their guns, just as some stick to their no steam/no epic guns.

toxicTom: Yeah well... see above. He's kind of infamous for that around here... Still there are many constructive and useful posts by this user.
True, like his spreadsheets and lists every new sale. :)
low rated
RWarehall: Once again, common sense means absolutely nothing to you. You are totally incapable of self-reflecting.
Please stop if you could with the false framing of me/my intent or is insulting and not conducive to good discussion.

RWarehall: I pointed out the facts...both these games have strong evidence they were poorly received. Wizardry was poorly received on the PS3 and now it's just going to be a console port of a mediocre game. Grimoire has already displayed poor sales and poor reviews.
You pointed to reviews and ratings which can be manipulated and which not everyone fills out or adds to, and showed us your interpretation of such. I don't want the data and how you view it....I just want the data and to be able to make up my own mind(and to not be berated for it if it doesn't align with your stance).

Regardless if the game was received poorly at some stores, that doesn't mean it would do the same here.....also I still think people should be able to buy and play such if we can get so-so niche stuff like PC Building Sims and Cooking Sims.

RWarehall: Instead, you disingenuously ignore these facts and pretend there was nothing backing up my assertion that GoG was correct in these decisions. Based on absolutely nothing but wishlist entries that have been brigaded for months! These are clearly subpar offerings to any reasonable and objective person which you have showed yourself not to be.
There is not much backing it up from Gog, as they won't tell us much. Also you claim that the wishlists HERE are manipulated but not the steam ratings? You seem to not think steam is manipulated as you tout the 67% rating of some games on steam.

And no, they are subpar to you, maybe, but not to all. Stop trying to apply your likes and tastes to everyone else.

RWarehall: In your dozen or so posts, you have not brought a single reasonable argument at all. Just stupid ones like user ratings aren't perfect so we should just ignore them, rather than take them for what they are. Or insulting me for being a "corporate shill" in lieu of any sort of actual argument.
I didn't call you that, that was dgnfly.

I did, however, posit you might be towing the gog company line a bit too blindly, and will stop thinking such right away if proven wrong.

RWarehall: GameRager...funny you fancying yourself as some bastion of need to look in the mirror some time...go fuck off...
So i'm the one in here swearing, name calling, and being rude and mean to others? Oh wait...that's mostly you.
Post edited November 07, 2019 by GameRager
low rated
GameRager: Same dumb non-arguments...
Hey dumbass...

Show me any user review manipulation...fucking read them...there are no signs they are...
You are making a baseless argument. A stupid argument that something CAN happen doesn't mean it IS dumb are you?

When it comes to the Wishlist, just search this forum and all the threads like this one brigading for votes. Now that is OBVIOUS manipulation, but you seem to be too braindead stupid to see it.

Are you really this stupid?

Any objective person can see the Wishlist manipulation because it is painfully obvious. And any objective person can read the actual reviews on Steam and see they are not substantially "politically motivated' but rather are calling out perceived flaws in the actual game.
Post edited November 07, 2019 by RWarehall