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rtcvb32: Didn't go to 8 or 10, so i certainly won't touch 11.
Same here. Gotta love having control of your system.
timppu: Wow, that was well put. That pretty much sums up how the difference between the two largely feels to me.

Well, maybe Ubuntu/Canonical does sometimes feel the same, how they push the "snaps" etc...
Orkhepaj: yep one is already fine tuned and you tinkering can ruin it
the other is build from small legos which you can change out, probably with plenty of errors and redesigns
When fine tuning ruins something, we generally describe it as a house of cards.
timppu: Wow, that was well put. That pretty much sums up how the difference between the two largely feels to me.

Well, maybe Ubuntu/Canonical does sometimes feel the same, how they push the "snaps" etc...
And GNOME feels that way at times too, given you have to augment it to access things like theming.
Sarafan: The leaked build give us certainty that the system is coming. It'll probably be announced on 24th. I expect a release in the 4th quarter of this year. So basically we can expect a release in the same time as the next big update for W10. Or maybe Microsoft will drop the major updates for W10, focusing only on security aspects. Everything will be revealed soon.
amok: there are doubts about whether the leaked ISO is a fake or not (though it seems real), so i still will wait. if you do find it in the wild, i would not recomend downloading and instaling it. but yes, the annuncment in 2 days is most likely about w11. Officially it is about "what's next" for Windows.
Installed already. It's real and works better than Win10.
i still run seven ;p you tell me?
rtcvb32: Didn't go to 8 or 10, so i certainly won't touch 11.
Lucumo: Same here. Gotta love having control of your system.
Well as much control as you can manage. Though it was fun once when i made a Linux driver for my own custom encryption cipher and actively used it on a laptop...
Darvond: And GNOME feels that way at times too, given you have to augment it to access things like theming.
GNOME never quite felt right to me. I don't know why... I'd rather have GTK, or something minimal.
Interesting article -

There are a lot of agencies that have jump all in on Chrome OS at least in NYC and LA.

I also saw this awhile back which has a citation sources from here

I wonder how Chome OS is registering on usage for some sites and services. Some of the older Chromebook devices from 2014 to 2018 sometimes register as Android on some networks.
Post edited June 24, 2021 by Arcadius-8606
I got 7 ASAP because of Vista's problems, but 10 I waited a while to make sure it got out all the kinks. See no reason to do otherwise with 11, since 10 works perfectly for my needs. All I do on my PC is surf the net and play games, so I don't really need much from Windows other than compatibility.
So it's confirmed by Microsoft, Windows 11 will come during fall and will be a free update.
Apparently, it'll have built-in Android app support via Amazon app store. Curious. Will be interesting to read the summary once their actual presentation is over.
low rated
Mr.Mumbles: Apparently, it'll have built-in Android app support via Amazon app store. Curious. Will be interesting to read the summary once their actual presentation is over.
nice, so i wont need bluestacks?
Microsoft account required.

Slay the people who came up with that. (And go back in time and slay those at Apple who started the trend.)
mqstout: Microsoft account required.

Slay the people who came up with that. (And go back in time and slay those at Apple who started the trend.)
Even for Pro?
"Windows 11 will be available as a free update to existing Windows 10 users - although some devices will not have the right specifications. These include a minimum of 64 gigabytes of storage and 4 gigabytes of RAM." - price point, check

"The new software will let Android apps run on the Windows desktop." - neat

"Forrester's principal analyst JP Gownder noted that the new operating system was based on the code of Windows 10, which should prevent upgrade glitches such as those seen in the past with Windows Vista." - so hopefully will be smooth transition

so far nothing that have any warning signals. Start button on the middle of the bottom bar, though, hope that can be moven into its correct place.
amok: "Forrester's principal analyst JP Gownder noted that the new operating system was based on the code of Windows 10, which should prevent upgrade glitches such as those seen in the past with Windows Vista." - so hopefully will be smooth transition
Windows 10 can't even update itself in place properly without borking everything.