Posted March 10, 2019
rtcvb32: Thinking of setting up a world using Pathfinder with a few house rules, like being able to spend XP to raise stats/hp closer to maximum values (but doesn't count towards your effective level). Example if you were 3rd level and rolled 2 on your d8's, you'd have 6hp+con. Spending/burning the XP could raise your HP, but no higher than the max you could have rolled to begin with. (so 6hp up to 24hp). You can only do it so much per level as well, so instead of having higher stats you might start with lower more 'average' hardcore dice rolls, like 3d6 with no rerolls.
Hmmm still thinking this all over.
I like the idea. :) Is this part of Pathfinder? Hmmm still thinking this all over.
It would need to balance the level-up requirements against the cost to improve attributes, which might make it less feasible. If a new level grants a new feat, or spell, etc., but the same amount of experience could improve the base attributes, say, then this is one of the benefits of a (leap) level-up, and so it may need to cost as much as four levels to achieve. Which would be a difficult trade-off to make. I suppose the current rules about higher point costs the larger the attribute is might help (i.e., to raise an attribute from 14 to 15 costs 2 points that might raise a lower score in another, different attribute by two points).
The devil is in the details, as always.