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The game "Bud Spencer & Terence Hill: Slaps & Beans" - - has been successfully crowdfunded, to the point of having reached the Extra Levels & Original Soundtrack Stretch goals.

On the FAQ at the bottom of the page is the following question:

"Is there a prevision of a drm free version?
Our reference platform will be STEAMand we are also considering a GOGstore."

The game has already been greenlit on Steam, so it will be easily available, but I'd prefer it on GOG, if at all possible.

I know creating a thread asking such a question yields less result than praying, but before GOG pulls a "it's too niche", I decided to point out the success of the kickstarter, mention that it's a Beat-'em-Up, so far from niche, and it features the officially endorsed likeness of a duo that is still very well known world-wide, especially in Europe where GOG is based.

I'm out, bye peeps.
Here's the Wishlist entry

EDIT: link has been corrected. Thanks to CharlesGrey for warning me.
Post edited December 16, 2016 by karnak1
karnak1: Here's the Wishlist entry
Actually, that's the Kickstarter page. :P

This is the wishlist entry:

Go give it a vote, folks -- this looks fun!
It'll be on GOGstore, not GOG. Sorry.
Would totally buy it :)

A Bud Spencer & Terence Hill beat em up game... the combination is so natural its mind-blowing nobody thought of that before :D

Did gog "curators" derp another one?
fronzelneekburm: Well...?

Did gog "curators" derp another one?
In case it is so (not unlikely because it was at least considered: ): That would be for gog:
Sorry for the necro post, but whatever happened to this game? I think the full version has been available on Steam for a while now, why did it never find its way here?

Does anyone know if the Steam version is DRM-free? ( Playable without having Steam installed, that is. )
Good question! Shame it didn't make GOG. :(
Now those are two names I haven't heard in a loooong time...
Matewis: Now those are two names I haven't heard in a loooong time...
They are two names that I utter daily.
**Stares into mid-distance** Bud Spencer & Terence Hill, now there's some names I haven't heard in a long time.
It came out on Switch Eshop last week or so but i too wish for a gog release.

The game trailer using the choir song from Watch out, we're mad! was just genious.

*memories drift back to childhood*
Post edited August 01, 2018 by Hikage1983
Any news about a Gog release ?
i_hope_you_rot: Any news about a Gog release ?
+1 for a well-timed necro. ;p