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Banned for making flavored Vanilla Lice lice baby.
Banned for making liced tea.
jsidhu762: Banned for assuming your ass is unoriginal. Everyone's asses have the same basic shape. It would be kind of weird if it wasn't.
Banned for taking things too literally and for saying my ass isn't weird, cuz bish, it is
Banned because talking about asses isn't good.
Banned for making ass-sumptions about what people can and can't talk about.
Banned for that pun.
Banned because i don't like pun-nks, they should all be banned!
Banned for banning Sick of it All and Death by Stereo!
Banned from Stereoscopic 3D!
Banned because 3D is overrated.
Banned for having VD.
Banned because I don't know what that is.
Banned for not knowing you have an STD.
Banned for calling an STD a UTI.
BFUA - Banned for using acronyms - this forum has a no acronym policy!