Banned for his poor English skills. Namely:
truhlik: It's several months
The correct is "It's
been several months" -an abbreviation of "It has been...". It's an idiomatic expression of english and that's why it isn't "There have been..." or something even though "months" is plural.
truhlik: he still have only one man in own army
The correct:he still
has. The verb goes: I have, you have, he has, she has, it has, we have,you have, they have. This is elementary stuff-it's one of the first things people learn while learning english(and is thus the most blatant mistake I noticed in that post).
And also:in
his own army. I don't know if there's a colloquial use that allows someone to omit this part, but it's better to use it to clarify, just in case.(In this particular sentence, the rest of the sentence helped determine whose own, but not all sentences are this helpful.).
P.S. I know I'm nitpicking here and I shouldn't probably expect someone whose maternal language isn't english to know this stuff but: a)My maternal language isn't english either and b) The thread is called "Why the person above you should be banned" and this excuse to "ban" him is as good as any. :-)