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I'll be banning you this fine evening for daring to mention that thrice cursed zombie of a show. Would you like red or white wine with that? Please be sure to tip your sever on the way out :)
Banned because I can't drink.
Banned for suffering such an severe injury that you can't even drink through a straw.
Banned because I drink through osmosis.
Banned for drinking through the pain.
Banned because it has been scientifically proven that drinking is the best pain medicine. Unless you count morphine.
^ banned, because nine out of ten anesthesiologists would disagree with your statement above
Banned for ignoring that nine out of ten anesthesiologists would only disagree with that statement because they are drunk and confused. They are drunk to numb their pain.
Banned because a dominatrix give your body a painful treat against cash.
Banned for dominating the conversation with your fetishes.
"You are hereby BANNED so we can get closer to a new page"
Banned because mission accomplished.
Banned (of brothers)
Post edited 4 days ago by GamezRanker
Banned for great justice, because all our base are belong to him make us up our time!
All your base are banned.